Help!!! Struggling with ALWAYS talking myself out of exercising

Zee Starrlite
on 5/18/09 3:08 am, edited 5/19/09 12:43 am

I am so tired of the internal struggle that goes on about me exercising.  Right now I'm successfully talking myself out of a committment that I made to walk X amount during my lunch hour.  Yesterday I even bought some wonderful easy spirit walking sneakers.

I'm an active person - have always been even when I was heavier.  I've danced, walked like crazy, did ridiculous amounts of gym exercise throughout the years.  This sucks. I go as far as change into my gym clothes get off the train where the gym is and walk by and around the gym .

Anyways, does anyone know how you stop talking yourself out of exercising?

Okay, lets see if I take my walk - I'll update.  I have my new walking sneakers on.

UPDATE:  I didn't walk the way I said I would walk, but I walked.  I didn't go to Curves like I thought I would.  Today is a new day!!!

Good Day,

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 5/18/09 4:32 am
just do it!

If you make an activity part of your daily routine, you can make something a habit.
To form a habit all you need to do is repeat the activity. With enough repetitions it becomes a habit. A habit can be formed in as little as 10 days, depending on the amount of repetition. The more you do it after the habit is formed, the more reinforcement you give to that habit and the stronger it becomes.

Making a habit out of it is even easier if  you reward yourself for doing it.
You can make the process easier if the habit activity has some good rewards associated to it. A good work out is often rewarded with endorphins; a good study session gets you a better grade. But the reward does not make it a habit. That comes with repetition and the neurological pathway.

Set yourself a prize/goal.  If I workout every day for a week, I get a new whatever, or I get to go to a movie or something like that.

I know that at first exercise isn't fun, and it may never be fun, but if it is an integral part of your day, you just do it.

Good luck


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Zee Starrlite
on 5/19/09 1:10 am

Thank you so much Scott!


I am going to print this and look bac****il I get back in the flow.


I believe that I will succeed - Just do it, right.   Before I got off course with my move March 1st, even when I didn't feel like doing exercise I would say  to myself  "Just Do What You Said You Would Do"! I would get through my exercise and feel great having done it.

Okay  - - here I go.


Good Day,



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/09 10:57 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Wow...thanks Scott. This helped me as well...I just realized that by not exercising the few days...I am setting the pathway for making NOT exercising a habit again. Thanks for the positive words....very encouraging and motivating.
on 5/18/09 12:47 pm
I do not let myself miss exercising 2 days in a row -- so, if I want to slack off today, then I have to work out tomorrow   -- that usually gets me moving.

I must say, that I don't enjoy 'going' to the gym, but I sure enjoy 'having been' to the gym.
I love the sense of accomplishment I have when I finish up there!

Zee Starrlite
on 5/19/09 1:13 am

Hi Kath!


Thanks.  Isn't it amazing how prideful, strong, accomplished, etc. we feel after having been to the gym or having done a work out.  It is insane that we wouldn't want to do it.




3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 5/18/09 10:28 pm, edited 5/19/09 3:22 am - Long Island, NY

I love the idea of giving yourself a reward as Scott suggested. Maybe a pedicure after 5 walks?

It is also great to have a fitness goal. If you like walking, maybe sign up for a charity walk so you have a goal to walk a certain distance.

I also suggest checking back here often, everyone is very inspiring and encouraging.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Zee Starrlite
on 5/19/09 1:16 am

Thank you Mary.  For years I've been meaning to sign-up or just follow in on charity walks but haven't done so.  I will, I will, I will though - it will be one more thing off of my list.


I looked at your profile and what an amazing job you've done .

Good Day,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 5/19/09 9:53 am - Northern, CA
I believe you have to find something you love or you won't do it. If you don't want to walk or go to Curves, then try something else. Just because you used to love those things doesn't mean you alway will, either.

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on 5/20/09 7:46 am - Long Beach, CA
Don't forget, the best exercise is the one that you do! If you still can't seem to get yourself to do the walking, see if there might be anything you might enjoy more... What activity did you enjoy most as a kid? There's no reason you can't try to take up that sport again :)
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