Need help with swimming

Darrell H.
on 5/11/09 9:45 pm - Sinton, TX
Good morning. I am still chugging away training for my 1st sprint tri. Of the 3 events, swimming is the most demanding. When I was young I lived in a pool. I never had formal lessons, but at that time was told I had a decent stroke. Then all the weight came on. I still loved the water and spent as much time as possible in the pool, but at 470, you are more floating than swimming. I found that out real quick the first time I got in a pool weighing over 200 pounds less. My question is, what is the best way to build up swimming endurance. I have found that my endurance on the bike and running has not transferred over to the pool. I have tried to establish a format similiar to the couch to 5K running program in the pool really taking lots of breaks in between laps. I know the best way to help would probably be to get a coach and get better form, but my tri is June 28 and  as my first athletic event in 20 years, I just want to complete it in the 2 hour time frame. I picked a race that has an indoor swim of only 300 meters. This morning I swam 400 yards, 50 yards at a time with a 90 second break in between laps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 5/11/09 10:52 pm - Cumming, GA
I would definitely get a coach, form is really key in the pool.  I've seen a lot of people (extremely fit people) that had really poor form in the pool expend a ton of energy without making much progress.  I swam competitively from 8 years old until i graduated high school and i've struggled to get back into form myself.  I'm just now starting to feel comfortable in the pool again after 3 months of 4 days a week in the pool.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 5/12/09 1:13 am - Fort Worth, TX
I would work on 25 yard sets with much less rest time in between. In a tri, if you stop and rest you will get mowed over. Focus on just getting through the 300 Meter swim without stopping. Emplore the help of a Pull Bouy, swim paddles, and kick board to mix up your workout and help with your strength building. You may not feel the impact of a growing base from the bike & run translate to the swim, however, you will dramatically feel the impact of your strength and base building from swimming exponentially grow your performance in the run & bike. Good luck bro....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 5/12/09 2:30 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Hi Darrell.  

As Dan said, work towards doing all 300 - 400 yards at once without stopping.   My biggest problem, and trust me I had some MAJOR problems, was that I fought against the water and I had a grossly inefficient stroke.   I'm still pretty inefficient.  :)  It wasn't until I had a professional examine my stroke and point out some faults that I learned to relax.  After months of training and practice, I was finally able to swim with the same ease as walking. 

Ask around at the pool where you swim and see if anyone knows any coaches or masters programs that you can try out.   Even the masters coach on the deck would be able to give you some pointers that would probably be invaluable in improving your technique.

Best of luck!



Darrell H.
on 5/12/09 5:09 am - Sinton, TX
Thanks everyone. I will definately work on swimming the entire distance even if I have to change from freestyle to something different. I get to the pool at 4:45 am and there is one man swimming that I believe is one of the high school coaches. I will talk to him for some pointers. My goal for Thursdays swim will be 400 yards at once. I did do some reading this afternoon and I know a coach would be much better, but the analogy of climbing a ladder helps a little. If I lengthen my stroke, I should have fewer strokes which will conserve energy and the swims wont kick my ass so bad. I know it takes time, and I want to be ready to complete this tiathlon June 28.
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 5/12/09 1:42 pm - Port Huron, MI
 As frustrating as it is, spend as much time in the pool as you can.  I'm amazed at how far I've come since I started swimming the first week of march.  My first tri is coming up in a little under a month and includes a 1/2 mile swim.  Not gonna lie, scared to death of that but I know I'll finish.  
The only other advice I'll give is spend some time on youtube watching videos of swimming lessons.  Hang in there, it'll get better
on 5/13/09 1:09 am - Denver, CO
Hi Darell!
I'm doing my first sprint tri on June 28th as well!!  Like many, I am most nervous about the swimming.  I am slow, but confident that I can finish.

Best of luck!


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