Your opinion on "Running a race"

on 5/4/09 4:10 am
So I was looking at a couple articles on about running.
There seemed to be a lot of comments/arguing about run/wal/run. b&u=eECD-&ref=nf
& r_times__faster_recovery.htm

Do you feel like you have "run" a race if you plan to walk part of it?

I have never done any long races, but I am working towards my first 1/2 marathon this year.
I know that personally I want to run or jog the entire distance.  I feel like if I go into the race planning to walk part of the race, then i'm not running the entire race.  I think it is one thing to hit the wall and have to walk, but if you go in with the intention of walking, have you actually run.

I know that I haven't counted any of my tri's until the last one.  I even got 3rd place goodies for the first race I ran (lucky there was only 3 people entered ;-) ).
But I don't count it as having run it, because I didn't run the whole thing.  I finally completed a whole tri with no stops, I consider that one completed and run.

Just kind of wondering what or how you might judge your own run or walk.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 5/4/09 4:39 am - TX
I'm with you Scott.  I  wouldn't feel like I had accomplished every thing I wanted to if I walked some portion of the race.  Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem if someone else wants to walk!

BTW congratulations on the commitment to the 1/2.  I ran my first in April and am looking forward to completing a full marathon before the end of the year.

Good Luck!!

Elisa K.
on 5/4/09 5:16 am - Lumberton, NJ
I am only speaking for myself.  I would never walk in a race, unless I physically had nothing else to give.  I have done 8 - 5ks and a 10 miler, and I have never walked.  I have had to walk a few times in training - for what ever reason (too hot, allergies kicking up - couldn't breath, etc), and it just about killed me to do it.  For myself, I almost consider it not running, if I have to walk any portion.  Crazy, I know!!  

Just a silly side note, which demonstrates my crazy, competitive mind - LOL!!  I am by no means a fast runner - on a good day, my 5k pace is 11 min/mile.  I get so irritated when I am in a race, and I am battling for position with a run/walker.  They start walking, so I pass them (and you know that it takes effort to pass someone).  Then I think they decide that they don't want me to get ahead of them, so they start running again, and pass me.  Then they start walking again, and the process repeats.  I don't know why, but that just ****** me off!!  Please tell me I am not the only one who is irritated by this - LOL!!
Judi J.
on 5/4/09 5:23 am - MN
I'm a runner/walker cause I'm still out of shape. One of the running books my husband was reading recommends it. I know my fastest personal 5k time was running/walking vs. the one where I ran the entire way

But I agree it feels like more of a victory with no walking.

But as a runner/walker, I count em all!
on 5/4/09 5:38 am
Don't get me wrong, I will be happy to finish my 1/2 marathon, and there is nothing wrong with walking.  I just couldn't consider myself to have run the 1/2 marathon if I went into it with the intention of walking.  I might be inclined to cut myself some slack if I had left it all out on the course, and I just couldn't do it.  There would still always be that little bit of disappointment that I didn't accomplish what I set out to do.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Brian W.
on 5/4/09 6:56 am - Belmont, CA
No shame in walking from my perspective, especially if you have not run that distance before.  I expect to have to take some walk breaks in the marathon.  After 14-16 miles, my body just needs a minute or two to recover.  Also walking through the water stations gives ya a bit of a break.  I try to run as much as possible, but as you increase the distance, the body is gonna fight.

Kevin A.
on 5/4/09 7:18 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Well I happen to be one of the walk/runners and I have no shame in taking walk breaks when ever my watch beeps or when I need a break!! I tried running 3-4 miles and I found my times are not that much faster than if I took walk breaks. Walking/running is less taxing on my body and I'm able to go longer distances.

I've run 2 marathon, and many 1/2 marathons. But the more years I run the shorter my walk breaks so maybe one day I'll be able to just run the whole races. For now I'm just happy to have finish every race I have ran.
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 5/4/09 9:55 am - Northern, CA
I always go in with the intention of running the whole thing, but if I find I have to walk for any reason, I don't consider that I haven't "done" that distance. If I went in with the intention of walking and running, then I would make that clear when talking about the race. As in "I ran/walked a 10k".

But I walked for 2 ft. up a steep hill in yesterday's tri and there is no way I'm going to say I didn't do that tri because of that. I can't see how a few seconds of walking negates the the other 4 hours and 19 minutes.

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on 5/4/09 2:56 pm
I agree with you, you ran the race and had a point where you had to modify your plan.
But that's not the same as going into the race with the intention of walking the course.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 5/5/09 2:06 pm - Northern, CA
Then you completed those tris last year too!

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