Swine Flu Frustrations

Darrell H.
on 5/4/09 11:42 pm - Sinton, TX
The large school district about 30 miles from me has shut down all schools due to 1 confirmed case in a high school. However, this is even affecting those trying to remain fit. I woke up at 4am today to drive 40 minutes to the city pool where I have been doing my swim training. The pool opens at 5am. I only have time for a 20 minute workout before I have to leave so I can get home and get ready to go to work. Well I waited around till 530 and nothing, so I came on back home. On my way to work around 7:30 I heard on the radio that the city has decided to close all rec centers and city pools so kids will stay at home. These may be good intentions and all, but what school aged kid is wanting to go to a pool at 5am when it is only open for lap swimmers. I was really disappointed and dont know how I am going to get my swimming in for the next couple of weeks. I will call the city today to complain, but since I am not a resident of the city, I probably dont have a leg to stand on. I really need to join the local tri club. Maybe they have an alternative plan or at least have some pull (no pun intended) with city officials. We will just have to see. In the mean time, I guess I just continue to run and ride.
Tri Daring Greatly! www.tridaringgreatly.com

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on 5/5/09 9:57 am - Benton, AR
This is so frustrating. The swine flu is much milder than the Type A and B flu that we vaccinate against every fall. It isn't anything to worry about. It is a good time to review your family emergency plans in case of a real pandemic, but no reason to close public places. Sheesh.
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