Tuesday Workouts....

on 4/27/09 11:00 pm, edited 4/28/09 8:34 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good Morning Everyone,

     Another beautiful day here in Fort Worth and I am feeling waaaaay better. Had a great Master's Swim class today. Ended up doing 3000M on the nose. 1000 warm up, 3 x 100 kick, 150 recovery swim, 3 x 100 kick, 150 recovery, 3 x 100 kkick, 150 recovery, 3 x 100 kick, 150 recovery, 200 swim down..... Tonight will probably hold a 7-8 mile run or a 2 hour bike ride, we will see what time it is when I get home from work. WHAT DID YOU DO TODAY?????

UPDATE:  Just got back from a run outside..... My goal was to run as fast and as far as I could until my knee started hurting me. Here is what I did:
Gender: Age:
Weight: Height:

Enter Your Workout Data

Activity: (?)
Time Taken: : : (00:33:58)
# Laps: 1    

Calculated Workout Stats

Lap Dist: 4.89miles Total Dist: 4.89miles
Avg. Speed: 8.6mi/hr Calories: 728(?)
Avg. Pace: 06:54min/mi Your BMI: 26.3(?)

I will take that as redemption for my tough race on Sunday being sick and all.... Peace !!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 4/28/09 12:50 am
Quick bike ride to and from work today.
Weight training for me tonight.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/28/09 3:59 am - Los Angeles, CA
I ran 2.28 miles this morning.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Elisa K.
on 4/28/09 9:51 am - Lumberton, NJ

Did 3.7 miles this evening.  It really sucked - weather has been crazy in NJ - last 4 days have been 90+ degrees - WTF - LOL!!  The weather is supposed to break tomorrow - temps back in the 60's - just in time for the Broad Street Run on Sunday!!

on 4/28/09 10:11 am - Port Huron, MI
 grrrr.....Dan, I was feeling SO great about my run until I read your results, lol.  Way to go man, way to go!  Can't wait until I can post numbers like that
Anyways, really didn't want to go for the run today but knew I'd feel so much better after I do it.  I thought I'd just take it easy, well as I was going I was feeling great and the first mile clicked off @ 8:55, 2nd mile @ 8:52.  I decided to kick it up and push, 3d mile @ 8:36 and a sprint for the last probably 1/4 mile @ 8:14 for a 5K averaging 8:48/mile.  Overall I did 4.1 miles @ 9:04/pace and felt great!!!
Got a 5K race this weekend and I was thinking I should be able to break 26.  We'll see
Cassie W.
on 4/28/09 10:59 am
I had a great run tonight, too.  At first, I was going to opt for the treadmill because it was windy, cool and damp and I was afraid of being underdressed for our group run.  But, I decided to suck it up and hit the road.  I'm so glad I did.

One of the more experienced runners helped to pace me tonight for my tempo run and I finished my 6-miler at an average 8:45 pace.  It was certainly a personal best for me.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 4/28/09 12:07 pm - Canada
RNY on 09/02/09 with
I normally do not go to the gym on Tuesdays

I came home from work, ate my dinner and turned on the computer.  I checked my e-mail then came on OH to see what was up.  

I read the Tuesday workouts and thought hmm, its still early, and I'm gonna get wrapped up on the computer and before you know it its gonna be bedtime. SO thanks to everyones inspiration I got off my fat ass and went to the gym and did....
20min elliptical "random" Level 5  heart rate 165bpm
30min treadmill @ 3.0mph to get my heart down to 125bpm.

Night night and THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU to my motivators!

Getting healthy while waiting for my RNY!

on 4/28/09 12:24 pm - Long Island, NY
I went running/walking with my husband tonight. He is just starting to run so we did 2 min running/2 min walking intervals. We did a total of about 3 miles. It was a fun workout. We stopped for Indian food on the way home and that was fun too!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Dan T.
on 4/28/09 12:44 pm, edited 4/28/09 12:44 pm - Logan, UT
Still dreaming about the day I can ride outside on a real bike.  I rode 17.25 miles in an hour. I had been riding my stationary bike with a 2 resistance.  3 days ago I upped it to 3 resistance and man the workout got harder and I loved it.  It was a challenge.  I made it my goal to increase my resistance every couple weeks and strive to increase my speed as I go.  First day I completed the hour ride with 15.6 miles so I can see real improvement in 2 days time.

For those training for long distance rides do you have a formula?  My first race isn't until October so I hope to have funds to get my bike and gear in July.  The race has a lot of hills will over a 300 ft elevation change.

Dan where do you go to enter those stats? 

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

on 4/28/09 3:54 pm - Northern, CA
Ran 4 miles on pretty hills.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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