Pre-race Report Ice Breaker Triathlon & post race recap

on 4/18/09 8:59 pm, edited 4/19/09 7:26 am
OMG it's not even 4 a.m. yet, I have a 2+ hour drive ahead.  My gear is all packed, and I'm just waiting for my friend who is running with me to show up.
I'm so looking forward to the start of this season for me.  I'm so eager to get it started, that I had my bag packed 2 days ago, and have gone over my equipment list at least twice.
I was determined to get 8+ hours sleep last night, well that didn't happen.  It's amazing how much excitement even a little sprint tri gives me.  I can't immagine what it's going to be like when I move up to a bigger longer distance event.

I put myself to bed last night at the same time I put my 6 y/o to bed 8 p.m. and I was asleep.  It was still light outside.  By 11:00 I was wide awake.  I then managed to see just about every hour tick off on the alarm clock.  Of course I was finally sleeping well when the alarm went off at 3:30.
So here I sit enjoying some coffee and my breakfast.  I don't really have a meal plan and I know that they say not to try something new on race day but.... I don't have any basis and this is all still pretty new to me, so every thing is new.  I have had my coffee, and I'm having a flax-seed miracle muffin with some raisins and a banana.

I'm looking forward to meeting MacMadame, she is running this event too.  She was nice enough to inform me that the water temp for this race was supposed to be 50 degrees.  I'm glad it's a short swim and I have a new wetsuit.

4 hours until race time... More info to follow, and hopefully some pics.


Well It's 1:49 p.m. and I just got home.
We arrived at the site about an hour before the race.  We walked around, checked the water, transition areas and looked at some vendor tables.  The updated water temp was high 50's low 60's at race time.  It was still cold enough to take your breath away the first time you face hit the water.

I had decided to be really proactive and bring my larger floor pump to make sure we could top off the tire pressures.  I hooked up the pump and on the first pump, the pressure valvle cap on the pump blew off.  I had to crawl under a couple cars looking for it.  I finally found it, but it and screwed it back on.  I hooked up my tire and began to pump it up.  Well the pump wouldn't pressure up past 80 psi, if you tried, it would leak out the pressure valve.  I took it apart again reseated the valve cover and hooked it back up to the bike.  I managed to get it to 110 psi.  Not the 120 the tire called for, but all I was going to get out of it.  When I unhooked the pump from the tire, the valve stem busted off and the tire went immediately flat.  I never did find the valve stem.  Not sure where that went.  It wasn't inside the  pump and I didn't find it anywhere on the ground.

So out comes the tire repair kit.  I sure hope I don't have any problems on the ride today.  If I do, I'm going to be walking.  I fight and fight to get the tire changed, I can't get the tire to go down and have the bead set up.  It's almost like the tube kept twisting when inflating and it would push the tire out of the bead.  I didn't trust the bike pump, so I ended up using my co2 kit for the first inflation.  Ahh, I got it.  mounted the wheel, spun it to make sure it was all good, and I noticed that the tire hadn't seated correctly.  So now I'm down 1 tube, and 1 co2 cartridge.  On top of that the co2 adapter didn't want to release the tube.  I had visions of another stem getting snapped off inside and my race being over before I even started.  I finally got it apart repositioned the tube 2 more times with the help of a friend applying strategic pressure, we managed to get the tire inflated and the bead secure.  The tire was mounted and spinning freely.  I managed to get the tire pressure up to around 100 psi before the bike pump gave out again.  At this point my heart rate is already up as if I had just completed the swim portion, and I haven't even gotten body marked yet. 

The announcer is starting to call runners to the podium to make the announcements give race info etc.  Crap I got there early and now I'm running behind.  Can you say chicken with his head cut off.  I finally manage to get the bike racked, transition gear laid out, body marked, off to the restroom, and into my wetsuit as they were telling people to head down to the water line.  I had to get a quick rundown on wtf was going on from a friend who was there for his first race.  I sure hope he was listening to the instructions and was remembering them correctly.

We get into the water for a couple minutes warm up and water acclimation.  Dang tha****er still felt cold.  Took me 3-4 dunks under the water before it stopped taking my breath away from me.
They called us back to shore to prep for the start.  Being the awesome swimmer that I am, I position myself in the back so that I'm not going to be in anyones way.  I figure it will make it easier for the rescue crews to see me as well.

Well wouldn't you know it, I'm a virtual dolphin compared to a lot of these people.  I guess finally getting over to the masters swim class has really paid off.  I actually had to stop swimming and float in place a couple times to keep from swimming over the top of people.  I kept catching them, and there was no room to maneuver around them.  It was either be patient or swim over them.  I didn't feel like drowning anyone today, so I chose patience.  I did move a few people out of the way, but I resisted swimming over the top of them.

Last years cold water race taught me one thing.  It's good to be able to feel your toes.  My feet were so cold after the swim last year that they never thawed out.  I think they actually got colder on the bike ride with the air movement.  This year I stopped at the sporting goods store and bought some little toe warmers that you stick on your socks or inside your shoes.  Kind of like the disposable hand warmers.  They are supposed to last 6 hours.  I cracked them open prior to the race and stuck them down in my cycling shoes.  Oh they never got super hot, but they did warm the toes and kept my feet from freezing.  Best $1.79 I have spent on this sport yet.

The transition from swim to bike went o.k.  I should have practiced more.  It is much harder to get out of the full wetsuit than it was last years shorty.  But no major malfunctions and I was on the road.  Luckily they let you ride through transition, because my buddy had racked out bikes about as far away from the exit as you could.  No blaming him, I was running late and he was nice enough to rack my bike post tire issue while I was getting my race packet and schwag bag.  He had never setup before, so he didn't know where to put out gear.

The bike was decent, I caught and passed several people.  When we got to the hills, I was caught by some different groups that went by me like I was standing still.  I managed to keep them in sight, and I recaught them at the 1/2 way mark.  I guess they had used all their juice for the first half of the ride, because it was like they had quit and given up when I overtook them again.

I found out that I need a new water bottle cage.  The cage that I have on the bike is so damn tight that I couldn't get the bottle out.  When I finally did, I pulled the top off of it and spilled G2 all over the place.  When I finally got a drink about 1/2 of it went down the wrong hole and about choked me to death.  I had to use my teeth to try and get the lid back on the bottle.  I considered just throwing it away and buying another one later, but I managed to gather some composure and get the bottle put away without covering myself with G2.

The run went o.k., nothing stellar, I think I was at about 11 min miles.  I was really tired and I wanted to walk, but I refused.  I had told myself that I haven't completed a triathlon until I did it without stopping and this wasn't going to be another disappointment that I would have to live with for another year.  So I kept shuffling along.  It was supposed to be a mile out and a mile back.  Well I didn't have my garmin on, but one of the other guys did and he commented that it was about 1 1/8 miles out.  Which really isn't that big of a deal, it just never seemed like it was going to get there.  I had 2 ladies pass me on the run, and an 11 y/o kid.  I managed to catch and get my place back from the ladies, but that kid was gone and not to be seen again until he was collecting his award on the podium. 
I also wasn't expecting this to be an off road race.  The downhill sections made me a little nervious having to jump over roots and avoid the rocks etc.  I could just see my graceful actions in motion as I twisted an ankle or went face down on the path.  Luckily that never happened.

I finished the race without walking.  That makes me happy.  I didn't place, I think I was 1 minute behind the 3 place finisher and 5 minutes behind the 1st place finisher.  They haven't posted the times online yet, and I don't remember the exact times.  They should be up later tonight or tomorrow morning.

I got to meet MacMadame there, and say hello.  I must have missed her wave, I stood around for a while watching the swimmers come out of the water.  Either that or captain obvious here just didn't notice her run past him.  Either way I was wishing her luck on her first triathlon.  I'm sure she did awesome.

My wife will be home later with the camera, so hopefully we have some pictures.

Thanks for all the support everyone.  I probably wouldn't do this without you guys.
Now I need to shave that minute off the time.  I want some winners gear!!!!!


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Cassie W.
on 4/18/09 9:05 pm
Have a great race today Scott!  Can't wait to see the pictures.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 4/19/09 6:18 am - Baton Rouge, LA

The deed is probably already done and I'm feeling some good mojo that you had a great race.  Looking forward to hearing how you did and seeing some pics.

FIFTY DEGREES?   And they are still holding the event?  That's chilly.  I don't think San Fran bay gets that cold does it?


on 4/19/09 11:18 am
The seasonal range of water temperature in the Bay is from about 8 °C (46 °F) to about 23 °C (73 °F).

Today the temp is 57 degrees.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/19/09 11:05 am - Fort Worth, TX
Great job buddy! It is appearent that the only thing lacking in your game was your confidence, it sounds like you found it, and the results show. When you finally realize you belong, and that you are every bit as strong if not more-so than anyone else out there, you will continue to have a blast and will want to continually improve. You are the man buddy, good job!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

victoria R.
on 4/19/09 12:26 pm - goose creek, SC
Great job Scott.  Loved the report.


on 4/19/09 3:36 pm - Northern, CA
Hey, the web site I found said it was 53, not 50! It was definitely warmer than the web site said though.

I tried to find you too, so I could cheer you on but I couldn't figure out which black wetsuit, yellow cap guy you were!

I had an awesome race too. I did much better than I was expecting. In fact, my time would have placed me 3rd last year. Not this year though--I guess too many buff 50 somethings showed up this time or maybe the course was shorter than last year? It doesn't matter though because never in my wildest dreams did I expect to go that fast and one of the people who beat me was a tri coach, so I can't really complain.

My swim experience was much like your. I started out nice and easy on the swim, just as I planned, but there were all these people in front of me struggling, so I said "f that, it's a race" and I started passing them. When I came out of the water only 12 were behind me though so a bunch of them must have passed me back at some later point.

By the time I got on my bike and was out on the course, I remembered to look at my watch and I was 10 min. ahead of schedule!

I just tore up the bike course. I loved the course. People complain that it's windy and twisty and narrow, but I thought it was great. I don't know how I did compared to my estimate because I forgot to look at my watch and I forgot to set my bike computer at the start of the race so it had some random miles on it before I even started.

But by the time I hit the run (after first running in the wrong direction!) I was still at least 10 min. ahead of schedule. My legs were dead, but I just kept running at least until I got to the brutal part where I just did the best I could. Miles 2-3 were up these incredibly steep paths and then down paths so steep that you'd break your ankle if you ran. I had to crab walk them and did twist my ankle once (but no permanent damage). I did NOT like that run course. At all.

In the end I passed 3 people, one of whom passed me back. I expected to be passed by tons of people on the run so I was happy to have passed people and not been passed by more than a handful. Especially since it was 90 degrees by then and I was roasting.

I did the whole thing in 2 hours and 21 minutes when I thought I'd take closer to 2 hours and 35 minutes and was fully prepared for it to take longer.

Here's my full report for those who are into play-by-play:

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 4/20/09 4:30 am
Yeah my time this year would have been 3rd place last year.
I missed 3rd place by a minute.  I actually came out of the water at the same time as my age group winner.  He must have just destroyed me on the bike and or run, because he beat me by 5 minutes.

Next race i'm swimming over people.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/20/09 12:25 pm - Northern, CA
I should have swam over breast-stroke girl, that's for sure.

I have to admit, early on, I did grab someone by the leg. I hadn't planned on it, it was just instinct.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back      Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

Elisa K.
on 4/19/09 9:23 pm - Lumberton, NJ
Congratulations Scott and MacMadame!! 
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