Not Very Active Before

on 4/20/09 1:34 am - Manchester, NH
In January I bought a treadmill so I could walk indoors during the winter. This was my starting point since I did not work out at all before. I was up to 2.5 for 20 min.

My surgery was 03/11/09 and I had made my way back to the treadmill at 2.3 for 15-20 min, however now that it is nice out I want to walk outside. So I found a route that is a 1.1 miles with some hills. The first day I did this walk was last Monday and it took me 45min, then I did it on Tuesday and it took 30min. However I felt that my body hurt all over so I did not do it on Wed. By thursday I was not feeling any better. Needless to say I did not work out for the rest of the week.

I am still in some pain in my knees and my back and shoulders. I know I need to work out but I find it so hard to go out and do something when I feel so crappy. Does anyone have any advice.

Am I being to lazy?
Beginning Weight = 250
Surgery Weight = 229.1
on 4/20/09 1:52 am - TX
Congratulations on making the committment to good health and fitness.

I think you were trying to do too much too soon.  You have the rest of your life to do this.

Take it easy, go slow and progress at a rate that will allow you to be comfortable.  If you don't enjoy what your doing you won't do it.  Find something you like!!

Good luck!

on 4/20/09 3:13 am
Rest is certainly important to allow your muscles to recover.
That being said, movement/stretching will help with the lactic acid in the muscles.
I find it to be the best way to get rid of that soreness.  Keep on moving.
Reduce the amount you walk take it easy and work you way up to it.
each week you can increase as your body allows.

I really like using the couch to 5k program.  Now that will eventually take you to running, but the same concepts can be applied to walking.  Basically you have 2 walk speeds or run speeds or a run / walk speed.  And you alternate between them during your walk.  You can take it as easy or as hard as you want.  Remember if you need to be gentle on yourself.  No need to hurt yourself or make exercise so unpleasant that you don't or won't do it any longer.

Here is a better explanation for it

There is a comfort zone and there is a pain zone.  I have issues getting out of my comfort zone.  I need to push myself.  I don't always like it, because it becomes more like work at that level.  What that means though is that I don't see the improvement as fast as I would like to.  It takes me longer to progress and I end up getting discouraged.  Those levels are different for everyone.  What is comfortable for me may be painful for you and no work at all for someone else.  Do what you can do and build up your endurance.

The important thing is to keep doing it.  Don't give up.  Yes exercise is work and yes it can cause muscles to ache. 


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Sheri A.
on 4/20/09 12:18 pm
I don't enjoy walking either. I've tried it alone, with a friend, with music, just think it's too boring. If you can afford it, I recommend joining Curves. It's a wonderful way to work out for women who never worked out before. You can burn many calories in the 30 min. program! I now belong to a regular full service gym because when I got smaller and had more energy I needed to do more. My advice to anyone who needs to exercise is to find something that you like. For me lately, it's dance, my gym has zumba and groove and i really enjoy them. Curves' fees are reasonable and you can go every day or just 3x a week...make sure they chart your progress! Good luck.
on 4/21/09 8:14 am - Canada
RNY on 09/02/09 with

Pain is not fun! That being said I can understand why it would deter you from continuing. 

Take it slow and steady.  Over time do a bit farther, or a bit faster.  Do not feel if you are not going "far enough" or "fast enough" that you are a failure or too lazy.  As long as you are moving you are doing your body good. 

I have found that music makes all the difference in the world when I am walking.  I forgot it once when I went to the gym and ugg, it was so boring!

Happy Walking,

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