What Gives?

Jessica M.
on 4/18/09 10:02 am - Midlothian, TX


I'm doing things that my personal trainer want me to as far as exercising is going which I have been working with him since October, but more consistently since February I work with him 3x per week, plus what I do on my own on the other days. I have a nutritionist who is telling me to eat more and "healthy" not protein supplements and shakes, but normal food-- healthy carbs and etc. I am STILL not losing!!! The scale has not moved in about a year. What gives? I can tell I am losing inches, but the scale does not reflect it- I am STILL at least 40 lbs from MY GOAL! I've been getting more and more comments lately from people asking me how much weight have I lost and I say NONE, and they tell me that I sure have. 

I was told that I was starving my body with all the workout that I was doing and not eating what I needed to be eating, blah-blah...

I read so many people who are LOSING every week still and I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I am told NOT to focus on the number--- health, etc...


What gives?

I wear a size 10 in dress pants in misses, 15-17 in junior jeans, and medium/large shirts, medium dresses... I just feel so FAT! I did put the scale up for two weeks, and just knew that something would reflect with all my hardwork and nothing... Why is this so frustrating...

I did put my scale up and did not get on it for 2 weeks, but today I just KNEW that it would reflect all of my hard work and dedication... My work out pants are getting too big, and I am constantly having to "pull" them up and I got the scale out and NOTHING!!! Losing inches and gaining muscle... Argh that is frustrating because I feel like I am working my butt off and not showing anything for it. It's hard to stay motivated if I don't see results -- as far as numbers I guess... Maybe my focus is in the wrong place.

The protein drinks and shakes that I have are the following:  Pure Protein Bars (chocolate chip), Nectar Syntrax Strawberry Mousse mixed with 1% Fat Free Milk, Lean Body on the go Vanilla/Chocolate NSA 11 fl oz shake, and I use the unflavored protein powder one scoop and add to my Kashi Creamy Vanilla oatmeal in the mornings. My nutritionist does not want me to go over 100 grams of protein per day, and have 50% carbs, and 30 % fat. I am working out to the MAX each time I am at the gym, and especially with my trainer.  She wants me at about 2,000 calories per day, I know that I am not there. I get to use the shakes/bars to fill calories if I am low, but she does not want it to be my source of food intake primary. She wants me to have a healthy relationship with food. I know that I'm not suppose to be focused on numbers, but today I just knew that if I got on the scale that it would reflect all of my hard work.....

"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 4/18/09 10:12 am - Fort Worth, TX
If people are complimenting you, your fitness level is increasing, and your'e in a smaller size, just wondering why you are upset???? Throw your scale away!!! I have not lost more than 10 pounds in the last 4-5 months but have gone from a size 40 pants to a 34-36 pants at the same weight. Don't worry about it. You are building muscle, it's all good. You work to the MAX every time? My guess is that you are working out in Anaerobic Zones. You should invest in a heart rate monitor and work on staying in a lower heart rate zone. When you work out at "Max" you are burning your bodies stored supply of glycogen... when you work in the lower heart rate zones, your body is primarily burning fat. Mix your workout routines up, mix aerobic & anaerobic training together, and don't worry about the scale. Keep fighting the good fight, you are doing the right thing!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Jessica M.
on 4/18/09 10:27 am - Midlothian, TX
I work out to the max of what I can when I am working out with my trainer each time. We do mix it up, I do cardio circuits; strength training; and weights. When I do work out on my own with cardio I do get to the anaerobic heart rate zone and keep it there for at least 15 minutes.  I just knew that all my hardwork would be reflecting somewhere.... Maybe I am just battling with how we focus on numbers for so long and we even measure our success by the number on the scale when we first have the surgery and now I am busting my butt, and it just seems like I have nothing showing what I do.  Argh.... Thanks for your response.
"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 4/18/09 10:30 am - Fort Worth, TX
Instead of watching the scale for results, why don't you look at how far or how fast you can go now compared to a month ago on the treadmill etc.... I think as obese people we tend to focus on our short-comings and not our achievements and accomplishments... Chin up and be proud... Read this article i wrote that was in this month's Obesity Help magazine....

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Jessica M.
on 4/19/09 5:33 am - Midlothian, TX

Amazing article!! After reading your post last night I did realize that you were right we look at the 'short' term versus the long term accomplishments and achievements. I never ever would have ever imagined myself being in the gym working out! I never imagine myself at the weight that I am today. All of these things are HUGE accomplishments, but I get stuck on the fact that I am not at a "X" weight-- what gives? Thanks so much for your encourgement!

"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 4/18/09 10:52 am - Dacula, GA
You might actually need MORE calories. How much are you eating a day.

If your body is starving, it won't drop weight.

I actually gained weight when I started doing endurance running and triathlon.
Jessica M.
on 4/18/09 11:18 am - Midlothian, TX


I am eating maybe close to 1700 a day--that is a good day for me. I feel like I am eating TOO much. It's the weird. I had to add sandwhiches per my nutritionist and I am so overwhelmed by that. I just feel stuck.


"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 4/18/09 12:19 pm - Canada
RNY on 09/02/09 with
 I know how you feel although we are at different ends of our journey. 

I started at the gym about 6weeks ago.  I am feeling great have gone down almost 2 pant sizes already. I get on the scale at my mothers house, excited to see how much I have lost, a whopping 6lbs!  WTH?

So please, focus not on the numbers but on how you are looking and feeling.  If your workout clothes are getting lose then you are still going in the right direction.   Feel good about the wonderful success you are having and try to not be a slave to the numbers.

All the best
Jessica M.
on 4/18/09 12:25 pm - Midlothian, TX
thanks so much for replying... Sometimes, just knowing that people are there cheering you along who have been in the same if not similar places as you are helps so much! I feel like we have focused SO MUCH on the number on the scale when we are first post-op and even pre-op because that is what measures our successes. But, what happens when it stops and people are constantly telling you that you should not be focused on "the number" but if that is all you've known-- which is the only thing I have known for 21 years... I've always been overweight as a child and into adulthood. I had my surgery at 25 and it's always been the "number"...
"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 4/18/09 6:37 pm - Blanchard, OK
This is something I experienced back in 2000 when I quit smoking.  I obtained a personal trainer and exercised rigorously 3 times a week.  At first I would see the scales move, but about 4 to 5 months into it, the scales didn't move as much as the inches from my body and dress sizes.  I talked with my personal trainer about it who informed me that muscle weighs more than fat and if building muscle, you won't see as much come off in the form of pounds as you will in inches. 

Sometimes, it's best not to focus so much on weight as it is BMI and inches.  I hope this helps :) Good luck to you! 
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