Training question

on 4/17/09 4:21 am
So I'm looking for a sample of your training for a 70.3
I am volunteering at the Vineman this year, but I really want to run it next year.

I will hopefully have a coach and a structured plan well before that, but I was just curious to see what your prep was like for any of the longer events you have done. 
How much swim/run/bike you did, and did you think it was enough. 
Did you feel prepared for the event.
Was there anything you would have done differently.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/17/09 6:16 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Hey Scott.   Of the 25 tris I've done I felt the most prepared for Ironman New Orleans 70.3.   We all know how that turned out.  :)   Training and racing are two different animals just as pool swimming and open water swimming are.  

This is "THE PLAN" that I so lovingly stick to as best I can on a daily basis.  My typical training week looks like this:

1) Long swim (45 minutes to 1 hour swim.)
2) Treadmill Intervals (1% grade to simulate the pavement)
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 5.8
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 6.1
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 6.4
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 5.5
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 5.8
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 6.1
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 6.4
 - 5 - 10 minutes at 6.7

1) Bike intervals (I usually use a spin bike at my gym)
 - 15 minute warmup at HR < 110
 - 6 X 3 to 4 minutes maxium effort (5 minute recovery between each set)
 - 15 minute transition run at HR < 135
2) Weights & stretching (I do a circuit of 12 reps with 6 - 7 different exercises that invoke all the major muscle groups that I use in triathlon.   (squat, push, lunge, pull, bend and twist)

1) Easy swim (30 minutes working on technique)
2) Long run (75 - 120 minutes depending on where I am in the training cycle)
 - 15 minute warmup at HR 125
 - 90 minutes steady HR at 135
 - 15 minute cool down at HR 125

1) Tempo intervals on bike
 - 15 minute warmup
 - 10 minutes at HR 105
 - 10 minutes at HR 115
 - 10 minutes at HR 125
 - 10 minutes at HR 105
 - 10 minutes at HR 115
 - 10 minutes at HR 125
 - 15 minute transition run
2) Weights & stretching (I do a circuit of 12 reps with 6 - 7 different exercises that invoke all the major muscle groups that I use in triathlon.   (squat, push, lunge, pull, bend and twist)

1) Swim, long effort
2) Track speedwork (this is the workout I DREAD!  It kicks my ass every time!)
 - 15 minute warmup
 - 6 - 12 X 400m @ 1:37 pace with a cooldown lap between each sprint
 - 10 minute cooldown

1) Brick / Transition workout
 - 10 - 15 minutes run ez
 - 10 - 15 minutes bike ez
 - 10 - 15 minutes run rz
 - 10 - 15 minutes bike fast
 - 10 - 15 minutes run fast
 - 10 - 15 minutes bike ez
 - 10 - 15 minutes run ez

1) Long ride (2 - 4 hours depending on where I am in traning cycle)
 - HR < 110
 - 30 second maximum effort sprint every 30 minutes on ride
 - 15 - 30 minute transition run

The intensity increases and decreases as my base and fitness increase.   I'll usually have 3 or 4 buildup weeks followed by an overreaching week and then a recovery week.   This will probably be my training regimin through Wildflower then I'm gonna retest lactic acid threshold and the intensity will most likely increase.  

I log all my workouts (how I felt, intensity, soreness, etc) I also log my heart rate when I get out of bed, along with a a sentance or two on how I feel, (any sickness or lethargy, etc.) as well as everything I eat.   I go over all this data on a weekly basis with my coach (and he usually *****es at me for eating the wrong stuff:) and we make adjustments as needed. 

on 4/17/09 7:55 am
Hey Chad, how long is "THE PLAN"
Do you keep this up all year, or do you have a time frame before and leading up to the race etc.
Do you pick a race and count back to figure out when to start the plan?
What kind of time do you allow yourself for recovery.
I know my workouts aren't as intense as yours, but I feel like I don't want to quit, and I don't like taking a break.  I feel like if I take a break, i'll have a hard time starting back up again.
Do you experience that?



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/17/09 9:12 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Taper week was hard for me, as was the recovery week after IMNO.   I wanted to keep going but I had to allow ample time to recover.   I'm sure recovery for the 140.6 will be even longer.  

This is a sample of my schedule for now.  My coach and I set my "A" races for the year and we train up to those.   Since things have change now with no Ironman full course and the 70.3 World Championship as my AAAAAA race that's what I'm training for now.   Wildflower is a training race and the 70.3 Club Championship race (Redman) I'm doing in OK in September is a training race too.

After I retest for lactic acid threshold after Wildflower it may change a bit.  Training for the 140.6 will probably add another 25 - 30% of training volume to what I posted earlier but that's not until next year.

on 4/17/09 6:52 am
Awesome, thanks for sharing that info.
I just wanted to see what type of commitment I needed to be prepared to make.

Have you found an energy replacment yet that doesn't give you gastric distress, or does it seem to be a constant work in progress.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/17/09 1:11 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Scott.... For what it's worth:


Master Swim: somewhere between 3000-3800M Mixed training

Evening: 3-5 mile run (Increase speed each mile)


Master Swim: Same as above

Evening: 30-35 mile ride HR ride (Below 130)


Master Swim: Same

Evening: 30-40 mile ride


Master's swim: Same

EVening: 1 hour run (Medium intesity with hill work)


Spin class in the morning W/ 30-40 minute brick


5-10 mile run (Depending on where I am at with training)

3-4 hour ride


Weekly goals:

30-40 miles running

8-10 miles swimming

150-200 miles cycling

Routines and intensity vary but mileage / hours training are pretty consistent... Work load will increase after second half iron is completed in June and begin preparing for Louiseville 140.6 in August.... My nickle's worth... Take care
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 4/17/09 3:56 pm
Thanks for the answer Dan, your workouts are always impressive.
I just need to stop being intimidated by what you and Chad accomplish and get my ass to work.

Thanks for sharing all the information, I really appreciate it.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/17/09 2:16 pm - Northern, CA
I found this podcast to be really helpful at explaining how to set up your year based on your races:

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 4/17/09 3:57 pm
cool, thanks for the podcast info.  I like the agegrouper, so I will deffinitely be checking it out.

See you Sunday


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/17/09 4:30 pm - Northern, CA
I'm slowly listening to them all in order. I'm still in 2008!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

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