Wednesday workouts

on 4/15/09 7:27 am
So what's on the schedule for today?
My goal is 4 miles without stopping.  This will be a first for me.
I have done several 5k's on the treadmill, and I decided it's time to go out of my comfort zone.
So I'm shooting for 4 miles on the street tonight after work.

I'll let you know how it goes.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/15/09 9:50 am - Canada
RNY on 09/02/09 with

Good luck on your 4miles Scott!  I know how hard it is to leave our  "comfort zones".

I am recovering from a bout of food poisoning, bless my Mom, she  didn't mean to make 12 of us horribly sick to our tummies! Although I drank about 5cups of water today at work I am still somewhat dehydrated. I can't seem to get enough! lol

I did 50min on the treadmill, about 35min of that my normal 3.6mph, the other 15min slower! 

LOL, funny I feel like I am flying when I walk, then I see someone on the treadmill going "my" speed and think, wow, is that ever slow!  

Getting healthy while waiting for RNY

on 4/15/09 10:13 am
I hope you recover quickly.  Food poisoning is terrible.
You don't feel good and you still put in 50 minutes.  Way to work through it.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Cassie W.
on 4/15/09 10:23 am
I had such a good run Sunday on the trail that I returned after work for my 8-mile run.  I was hoping to cruise along at marathon race pace, but I couldn't seem to maintain a steady pace tonight.  Here are my mile averages:



"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 4/15/09 11:52 am - Port Huron, MI
 Just got back from our masters swim.  It was a little bit of an easy night, seemed like a lot of talking between sets.  The lifeguards were doing a inservice and swimming their laps too.  At the end we did a race against them.  I lead off our team and I stayed within 5 yards of their lead-off swimmer.  I was pretty happy with that as she was a good swimmer -- I'd guess we were around 40" for the 50 yards.  It's coming, next week will be a long week at school but I think I'll be able to get into the pool at least 3-4 times before school
Vicki PNW
on 4/15/09 1:50 pm
3 rounds of circuit training, working with weight-resistant machines.
15 minutes on stationary bike. 
15 minutes on stationary recumbent bike. 
30 minutes power-walking in neighborhood. Weather: overcast but dry in 50s.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 4/15/09 3:13 pm - Northern, CA
I did my Wed. swim workout. I'm still the slowest. That's because all the people who show up who are slower than me never come back another week. Wimps!

Anyway, I accidentally got there way early so ended up swimming 90 min. and did 2100 m.

Hmm. Aren't I supposed to be taking it easy this week?

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Linn D.
on 4/15/09 3:25 pm - Missoula, MT
I wanted to run 40 minutes this morning.  Runs have been hard lately so I was glad I managed.

I used 6.7 as a base pace and added 1-minute intervals at 7.5 every 10 minutes (4 of them).  Managed 4.54 miles.

on 4/15/09 5:00 pm - Barboursville, WV
Walked 2 miles during my lunch break. This evening I hit the treadmill and walked 1/2 mile to warm up ran 5 miles then 1/2 mile walking to cool down. I always start out slow and try to end up at about a 7:30 or better pace. The last 5K I ran in 23:19 so my goal for the next one is to break in to the upper 22 minute range.

Ouch! my right leg just heard that and started to cramp.

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