Grizzly Tri Race Report

Linn D.
on 4/15/09 3:51 pm, edited 4/15/09 3:58 pm - Missoula, MT
I realize I haven't been on much lately, but I thought I'd share this one anyway,

The Grizzly Tri is a 1000 yd swim, 20k bike, and 5k run. 

If any of you remember, this one last year was my very first tri and it was a terrible experience for me.  I didn't swim fast enough and got pulled from the pool, had a mountain bike, and don't run hills. 

So this year, I got up at 6 to get all my stuff together, realized my bike tires were flat (hadn't been on it since August) and pumped them up, broke one of my cool new nails and proceeded to try to put it in my bug.  Got it in, but couldn't close the back.  No biggie, I don't live that far from the school and it was early in the morning.

So when I get there, I realize my swim cap and goggles aren't in my bag (where I was sure they were because I swam the day before) and was fortunate enough to know people who would loan me some.  Good thing too because there's no way I could've done the swim without them.

I swim slow, so I was in the second heat of the day - 8:30 am.  I get in the pool, and was immediately glad I swam the day before (Ihadn't swam in nearly a month).  I get the go ahead to start and midway through the swim I realize one of my classmates in pharmacy school (he did the 70.3 championship in Florida last November) was cheering me on.  It helped me keep going,.  I ended up finishing my 1000 yd in 26:32 and DIDN'T GET KICKED OUT OF THE POOL THIS YEAR!  That was my primary goal for the race this year, so the rest was gravy.

Out of the pool into the transition area, I didn't have too much trouble getting dressed and was on the bike.  It was a good ride, but it's lonely out there.  I'm sure if I'd had a computer on my bike I would've been faster.  I did manage to pass 4 people on the bike though.  Bike time was 46 something (including both transitions).

When I got off my bike at the transition area, I realized my feet were so cold I could barely feel them.  Did manage to get my shoes on and tied and off on the run.  I still struggle with the first mile off the bike, and with such cold feet, this was even worse.  Oh well.  At about the 1.2 mile mark there is a nasty hill on the course (goes up the side of a mountain) which I walked most of because I wasn't running any faster than I could walk it, but you do get to go down it again.  Off the hill, there's only about a mile left of the course, so I did finally feel my feet again and felt like I could run my normal speed.  I think I passed 3 peple from my heat on the run and 2 from the previous one,.  The last mile actually felt really good.  Run time was only 31:13 for the 5k, which I was disappointed with, but still managed to finish strong.

I knew going into it that this race wouldn't be fabulous, but I totally enjoyed it.  I managed the swim just fine, and finished stronlgly.  Time was 1:46:something.  Not fabulous, but good enough for the first of the season. 

Thanks for reading and hope everyone is doing well.  This is a photo from the finish (I'm 52)

on 4/15/09 10:24 pm - Long Island, NY

Great job going back and conquering the race that gave you a hard time last year.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 4/15/09 10:56 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Great job Linn.  The cold feet coming off the bike sucks.   They make toe warmers that fit over your bike shoes but personally, I don't think they help all that much.  

Congrats on a great race and good luck this tri season.  Is your buddy going back to the 70.3 World Championships this year?


Linn D.
on 4/16/09 2:16 pm - Missoula, MT
Thanks Chad.

My buddy Geoff is doing the Boise 70.3 in June and does expect to qualify for Clearwater.  He's got a new coach and is pretty happy with how things are going.  The sprints really aren't his thing, he's better at the longer races. 

I don't know if you met any of the Team Stampede at Las Vegas last year, but that's the tri club here in Missoula.  Linsey Corbin started with them also (she was the first American woman at Kona this year).  They have some pretty good athletes that are fun to watch.

on 4/16/09 1:13 am
Great job, way to give that course a second shot.
I can totally sympathize with the cold feet.  My last race of last year was so miserable, I could hardly walk.  It felt like I was walking on pins and needles.  My feet never did thaw out during the run.  I had to go back to my car and turn on the heater to defrost my toes.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/16/09 10:57 am - Port Huron, MI
 I love reading these reports!!!!  Great job and congrats on the swim
on 4/16/09 1:55 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Solid job Linn!!! Great finish and a great way to start off the year.... Congrats on a job well done,  can't wait to hear about your next one!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 4/16/09 8:38 pm - Dacula, GA
Great job! Lots of improvement from over last year's race!

I use toe warmers...I bike barefoot....I think they work.

Also-you made a comment about getting your shoes tied. Try elastic laces like Yankz. You just slip your shoes on in T2...
Linn D.
on 4/17/09 6:11 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Sherry.  I meant to get some of the elastic shoe laces, but I forgot when I was in the store.  Next time...

victoria R.
on 4/17/09 5:15 am - goose creek, SC

Great job, thanks for the report I also love reading these.  Oh, I also broke a nail when I did my first tri last month, did it while racking the bike, ouch.


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