Move like a fat man

on 4/9/09 1:07 am
So I have been thinking about my running, and how it is still difficult to run.
It feels like I am running on stilts, nothing consistantly feels smoothe and flowing.
Every step feels like it did when I was 441 pounds.  I had even commented on this to my wife and friends. 
Last night the swim coach who knows I lost a lot of weight, but I had never mentioned my feelings about how I move, made the same comment to me.  She said you know Scott, you still move like you are 400 pounds.  She said it is noticeable both in and out of the water, but more so out of the water.
So maybe that explains some of the difficulty I am having with my exercise progression.  My body still acts and feels like it is 400 pounds.  I don't have that lighter more graceful movement.

Does anyone else have this feeling?  Did you overcome this?  What did you do to retrain your body?



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Nic M
on 4/9/09 3:17 am

You might totally laugh at this suggestion, but I'm saying it, anyway!  Have you ever considered taking some form of dance classes? It will train you to move your body in totally different ways.

I do a LOT of stretching. I mean, A LOT!  I think the more stretching you do, the more flexible you become. I can bend and place my palms flat on the ground with no problem.  My husband and son always say, "How can you do that without it hurting?!"  It feels good. If I could stand like that all the time, I would.  

I think another thing that helps is doing water exercises. I see you already do this? What types of things are you doing while in the water? Are you mostly swimming or are you doing water resistance type exercises?

Do  you have any pain issues? Ankles, knees, hips, etc?  I would spend some time doing slow stretching movements... possibly even in front of a mirror, as goofy as that sounds. Practice doing motions with fluidity.  (Think Karate Kid, but less dorky.)

on 4/9/09 4:06 am
I laugh only because I dance the gopher dance.  It's a joke between my friends and family.
Just picture the gopher from caddy shack doing his dance.  That's me, and that is the limit to my dancing ability. 

I have been thinking of the stretching, and I need to incorporate a better stretching routine, thanks for that suggestion.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Nic M
on 4/9/09 4:40 am
Ahh, the gopher dance! Yes, I have seen people do similar dances! 

My husband claims that "having man parts" limits his stretching ability, but I say that's a load of crapola. I see manly men at the gym stretching all the time. And then Hubby claims that maybe he's just  *ahem* "more manly" than they are, if ya get my drift.   I really think that stretching and warming up your muscles is key to fluidity while working out, though. Try it. You'll like it!

Elisa K.
on 4/9/09 4:45 am - Lumberton, NJ

It sounds like you need to become aware of  your body, and how it moves / responds to what you are asking of it.  Have you ever considered taking yoga?  Yoga is an awesome workout!  It really helps you tune into your body. 


on 4/9/09 5:36 am
I have tried yoga, but being as uncoordinated as I feel, it was very difficult to do.  I didn't feel like I was getting much from it, because I wasn't able to do it correctly.

I can see how it would be helpful though.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Elisa K.
on 4/9/09 9:45 am - Lumberton, NJ
See - the thing about yoga is - there really isn't a "correct" way to do it.  You make each practice your own - doing what you can.  With time, you will get deeper into the positions, and be able to hold them longer. 

I can not tell you how many times I toppled over in yoga class!  

on 4/9/09 5:13 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Scott do you wear compression gear?   I'm more fortunate than most in that after losing 262 pounds I don't have a bunch of loose skin.  I have some around my belly but compression gear helps that tremendously.   Is the skin flopping around what's causing you issues or something else?


on 4/9/09 5:42 am
Yeah I do wear compression shirts most of the time, and it doesn't seem to make much difference in how i feel when running.

When I run, it feels very stiff, almost like I have sticks tied to my legs.  The impact for each step isn't painful, it just feels still and not very coordinated.  I'm sure you have seen those runners who look like gazelles their running looks effortless, well that's not me. 

I have 3 new running partners from work, who have done no previous running, and they look effortless when they run.  Now they get tired, and do have to stop, but when you watch them run, it doesn't look like they expend any more effort or engery than they do when they walk.

I guess it's something unique to me.

Thanks for all the responses.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/9/09 8:12 am - Port Huron, MI
 I'm with Nicci -- dance may be the way to go.  You're getting enough running/swimming in that you should feel comfortable in how you're doing things.  Last year my jazz band was struggling and I got our auditorium manager (who's a local dance instructor) to come in once a week with the kids (and me).  Yeah I suck at dancing, but it's a lost art/skill.  If you look at Western European culture dance had a BIG role through history until recently.  If you look at Latin cultures those cats are all moving and grooving all the time!  
Take the wife and do a dance class, it can't hurt and it'd probably be fun.  Nobody says you have to go on dancing with the starts, but it could really help get you a little past your movement issues.
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