in need of some advice.. on beginer excercises and equipment

on 4/8/09 1:05 pm - girardville, PA
 ok im about 7weeks out from RNY gastric bypass been cleared to excercise an have no idea where to start other then walking.. im down almost 100lbs since july 08' 35lbs of that has been since surgery 2/23/09 im still SMO 362-357 depending on day..  i know i need to do something i can do sitting down any ideas? cuz when walkin or standing to long i get dizzy at times.. 

on 4/8/09 2:02 pm - Port Huron, MI
 Congrats on your weight loss!!  I'm sure somebody else maybe able to give some advice to you.  If you read the daily 'workout' posts you can see a wide variety of what we're all doing right now.
Here's a question for you: What's wrong with walking?  It's how I started, built up to 5 mile walks and then started to run.  
Things have gone from there -- running/biking/swimming.  If you're getting dizzy a couple of things can be going on: 1) you're getting dehydrated.  Bring some water on your walk and drink as you're going.  Throughout the day try to get some more water in you
2) you can be dealing with some mile homeostasis hypotension (low blood pressure).  I get dizzy when I first stand up especially if I've been doing a lot of exercising.  
on 4/8/09 2:08 pm - girardville, PA
thanks for ur responce.. im drinking plenty an always have water with me.... so im thinkin it might be the other low blood pressure.. also i take a blood pressure med for tackicardia.. spelling?  i have totally cut out all my bad habits of salty snacky stuff.. an i dont cook with salt.... might be whats going on with that.. thanks for bringing that to my attention.. will talk to doc next time on 21st might be time to quit that med soon..

Jaime Breckenridge
on 4/8/09 2:50 pm - IL
I had a terrible time trying to 'work-out' while sitting down.  I felt like an idiot.  I suppose because I think in my wickedly odd little mind that you exercise on your feet and moving around.  That being said, I opted to look like an idiot anyway and do lifts with my arms while holding some sort of heavy object when I was still laid up the first couple weeks after surgery.

I also did leg lifts, arm swirls (held arms out to side and made circles) and I did what walking I could but it was limited because I had a few complications with dehydration and severe diarrhea.

My surgeon told me anything was better than nothing, so I did something but felt like an idiot while doing so.  It passed and I finally got released to actually work out.  I started working out with a personal trainer (I am a college student and personal trainers are only $50 for 4 one hour sessions) I went to two sessions before they told me to stop cause some of my vitamin levels were low, one very low and it could cause issues.  that was 6 weeks ago and I am anxiously waiting for my blood work to come back this week from having blood drawn last week.  If they are up I can get back to working out.

Stay strong, it will all work out and you can crank up that MP3 player and walk your fanny off.  (That's what my personal trainer told me two weeks ago... the skinny, highly fit bastar.... LOL)

on 4/8/09 3:18 pm - Northern, CA
Find something fun so you'll keep doing it!

Swimming is great exercise and it's low impact.

I started with the stationary bike at the gym, myself.

Or you could take a dance class.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 4/8/09 7:32 pm - Auburn, WA
Congratulations on your success thus far and kudos to you for the hard work I know it took to achieve it.

I have mobility issues due to scoliosis, degenerative arthritis in my spine and knees, fibromyalgia, etc.  I concur with those that have suggested getting in the water.  I first got in the water at physical therapy, then joined a gym in order to do water aerobics, and discovered about a month ago that I can now swim laps.  Also, there are DVD's specifically for "Chair Exercises".  That's how I started with my yoga in December (I now take a class weekly/practice daily at home and am able to get up and down from the floor without assistance and perform all poses in my class, which is geared toward those with limitations based on age, medical conditions, etc.  I may actually soon move to a regular yoga class).  A quick search on amazon or similar online retailer would produce a number of products.  Also, once you get under 330, you can get Wii Fit.  Oh, and resistance bands are a good idea, too.

Best wishes on your path towards a happier, healthier, and longer life!

on 4/8/09 11:56 pm - Cumming, GA
personally, i started with walking.  when i was cleared for all exercise i started doing low impact weights (mostly low weight high reps on the machines) to ease into it and walking very slowly on the treadmill.  after I started feeling comfortable walking i started to increase the speed, then increase the incline to keep my heart-rate where i wanted it to be.  eventually i graduated to the elliptical, stairmaster, swimming laps, and light jogging.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 4/9/09 2:57 am - Timmins , Canada
I can relate. Walking is hard expecially when you didnt walk before and with the added pounds... If your anything like me you would only be able to walk maybe 5 minutes and that would be it.... I would suggest starting with an excersies bike, 15 minutes in the morning 15 in the evening. I do 30 minutes in the evening as well as weights and i have started my walking and i am now able to walk 1.5 to 2 miles without my legs being sever pain, and bing out of breath. You will get there, find things to help for example elastic bands, clap your hands extra.... I have been extremely dizzy lately, I just found out i am now anemic... have you gotten your iron levels checked out???

on 4/9/09 10:55 am - girardville, PA
Thanks for all the great advice everyone.. i havent had my blood work yet.. its to be taken 21st of this month as well as gettin my b-12.. i wish there was a place close by i could go swim but havent found one yet.. i live in schuylkill county, PA mountains n valleys an small towns.. so i guess i will just keep moving/walkin best i can for now an do the sit n be fit excercise i see on PBS daily..  i have an older excercise bike but at my current size its really uncomfy an not stable enough.. im thinkin of purchasing some kinda equipment  just cant decide whats really worth spending money on.. biggest problem is most things are limited to 320 or under weight limit..

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