Report ING GA Half Marathon LONG

victoria R.
on 3/31/09 5:51 am - goose creek, SC

I went to Atlanta this past weekend for the Georgia ING Half Marathon.  We got there late Fri. night, Sat. we got up & it was raining really bad so we went to the expo so I could get my packet, hung around there for about 2 hours scoring freebies & I picked up a few things I just had to have.  We spent the afternoon shopping around & we were back at the room around 7ish so I could do my "night before ritual" I have to get my things ready, make sure everything is in order & my husband knows not to bother me while I'm doing this LOL... Got to bed around 10:00.  Woke up at 5, got dressed had some coffee w/ half a banana & a power bar & water.  Waited around awhile then at 6:20 I went on downstairs & on outside, my corral was almost in front of my hotel, stretched, waited, called my mom, chatted w/ others.  It was a little chilly but no rain.  There were alot of people this was the biggest race I've ever been involved with, finally we started moving, then I could see the start line, I set my watch as I was crossing so I could keep up with my time.  It took awhile to get my running space but I have learned how to dodge, weave in & out & constantly listening out for runners who may be on my heels trying to pass.  After about 10 minutes people had spread out enough to where it wasnt a big issue most of the time.  I used a fuel belt for the first time & I will stick with it, I am one who cannot grab a cup of water & drink & run I have to stop but with the spout tops I can sip from that while just slowing down so I never stopped once during this race, I had to walk some, especially up some of those hills towards the end but I would try to make up for it going down hill.  I really wanted to beat my Myrtle Beach time of 2:44:03 so I knew I had to really pu**** because this was a tougher course.  Around mile 8 my legs started feeling a bit heavy & I was slowing down so I had a gel & kept going.  At mile 9 the crowds were picking up & the Kenyan full marathon runners passed us looking like they were just floating on air so that gave me some needed motivation to dig in.  Then we got to mile 10 & someone said only 3 more miles so I'm thinking just a 5k & I'll be done so I kept on, counting my steps to 100, pick em up & put em down, one less step to the finish line, all of the silly things I do when I'm running, oh I forgot counting empty gel packs on the ground, I would slow down going up hill because it was getting harder & I saw other people doing the same.  All the while I was watching my time & thinking I was going to beat my PR even motivated me more to just give it my all.  I heard this guy say you've got less than a mile & a half to go & the next thing I know I'm at mile 12 so I'm ready to get to that finish line I call this my "bring it on home" mode, focused on finishing I started seeing more crowds so I knew I was close & it wasnt much longer & I was there, grabbed my medal, a cookie, water, banana.  I was a little upset because I was hoping to see my hubby & kids but I never saw them, they saw me, he's still learning the ropes & maybe next one he'll be somewhere I'll see him.  Anyway the finish was close to my room so I called him & told him I'd meet him back at the room.  I was sipping & nibbling but I was feeling a little light headed I kept nibbling & sipping & finally I felt better.  I told him I didnt have the power to carry any of my bags downstairs so he carried everything we got in the truck left & stopped for lunch, I was feeling much better.  My time was 2:39:07 which I'm proud of, I know it won't win any awards but for me & my history it's almost unbelievable.  However I am feeling it even today I'm still sore from all of those hills but I'm surfing around looking for another half I can do in the next month or 2.  Going into this race I was nervous because I had not had any runs longer than 3 miles since my last half Feb. 14 but I do a good bit of indoor cycling which I firmly believe helps with running.  I will be doing a 10k this Sat. if my legs will let me. :) Oh & another thing I'm actually starting to flirt with the idea of a full.


on 3/31/09 6:05 am
Great report, congrats on your success!

That is a wonderful accomplishment. 

Thanks for sharing the race report.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/31/09 8:18 am - Baton Rouge, LA

That's not an easy course with the hills.   Great job!   So when's the 26.2?  :)  

victoria R.
on 4/1/09 11:50 pm - goose creek, SC

I'll let ya know when.  Good luck this weekend.


Rob S.
on 3/31/09 11:25 am - DE
Great job and report.  It amazes me to see all these great accomplishments.  I think I smell a full in your near future.  Every race seems to be more exciting than the last.  Keep churning away.
victoria R.
on 4/1/09 11:52 pm - goose creek, SC
Thanks Rob, yes I am thinking of a full but it won't be until at least fall.


on 3/31/09 11:49 am - Dacula, GA
D'oh! If I knew you were doing the same race I was, perhaps we coulda met! I was at the expo on Saturday at the Atlanta Tri Club booth from 9-11:30 and at the Trakkers booth from 11:30-1ish.

anyhoo-job well done! I left my chip at home!
victoria R.
on 4/2/09 12:01 am - goose creek, SC
I was there at the expo the same time amongst all the other people, I really enjoyed that expo too.  I would have loved to have had the chance to meet in person, I didnt know you were going to be there too.  Guess I should have paid more attn. to the boards.  I'm doing a 10k this weekend The Cooper River Bridge Run it's a Charleston tradition however I may be leaving my chip at home :) Today I actually feel normal again the soreness has left me & I'm no longer walking like granny.  Those hills kicked my lowcountry butt :)


on 3/31/09 12:11 pm - Port Huron, MI
 Great job!  Pick a full and sign-up, you're ready for it!  
victoria R.
on 4/2/09 12:06 am - goose creek, SC
I'm actually looking at some fulls but can't decide make up my mind.  As far as being ready I'm not, yes I'm probably ready to venture beyond 13.1 but not the full.  I guess I will have to start doing long training runs but we are coming up on summer here in S.C. & I can't imagine doing long outdoor runs in the thick of summer here so I'm thinking this fall or winter I may look at a full. 


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