First race of spring

on 3/28/09 6:03 am - Barboursville, WV
This morning was the first race of spring and also this was the first race I had ever ran last year. Last year I ran 27:56 or some thing close to that. When the race was done it was all I could do to breathe. I just wanted to be under 30 min.

My goal has been to improve my time in every race.I figured if my times are improving then my health must be improving as well.  Most of the time it happened, every now and then it didn't. I have learned a lot in the last year about how to plan and prepare for a race. I didn't realize how much I didn't know and still don't as far as that goes.

Well onto today's race. I know by the amount of mileage I put in that 3 miles is no problem so lately I have been working on pace and speed. I found that I have fallen into a rut by starting a race at the same speed every time and ending up running the same pace. Today's goal was three sub 8 minute miles. The week went good. Regular runs Mon., Tue., and Wed., Thur. was a real short easy two mile run and Friday just my normal 3.5 mile walk and no run.

Weather was great, over cast around 50 degrees. Was suppose to rain but it didn't. Got there plenty early and had lots of time to warm up. Ended my warm up running a couple of sprints. Started at about a 7:30 pace. At the 2 mile mark I was wondering, WHAT WAS I THINKING! Kept telling my self I can do this just keep moving and man I wish I could have went to take a leak before the start. Made the last turn and could see the finish three blocks away. I ran midway that block and heard a siren. It was coming across the street right in front of me so I had to stop and wait for it to pass. Started back up and could see the clock...22:30 something, so I like holy **** so I get motivated and I really try to kick it in. So I'm watching the seconds 44, 45 and I am thinking RUN. I look again, 55, 56 just as I crossed the line 23:06, official time  for 3 miles, 23:19. 7:46 pace. New PR by over a minute. It was just 3 miles not 5K.

Happy is an understatement! I just wish didn't have to stop for that ambulance, but I doubt that it cost me 20 seconds. Still a great day! My future goal is to do a full marathon and keep cuttng my time. Maybe 22 something next time.

pan head
pan head
on 3/28/09 8:02 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good Job!!! Great run and a GREAT time! Keep it up...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/29/09 11:47 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks Dan. I am amazed when I stop and think about it. Prior to surgery I couldn't run 30 ft. much less 3 miles.
on 3/29/09 2:13 pm
Wow awesome time!
on 3/29/09 11:52 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks, Jon. I am really happy with it.

I down loaded the information from my gps watch and according to it I lost 15 seconds by having to stop for the ambulance. That would put it at 23:04. My next goal is under 23 minutes.

pan head
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