GOAL!!! 400 Pounds To 199 In 14 Months.....

on 3/18/09 11:24 am - Fort Worth, TX

Pics from triathlon 3/14/09

It has been an amazing journey. As an obese person, there are very few times I could say I attained any real goal, today my journey from Obesity has officially been conquered! After swimming 3500 meters this morning, I got on the scale and for the first time in 18 years, I weighed in at 199 pounds.... 1 pound under Goal. It is hard to believe that I once weighed twice as much as I do today, and that was just 14 months ago!!! For my 14 month anniversary, I ran a triathlon, just a short sprint, ended up taking 4th place in my division out of 61. I have ran 2 x 26.2 mile marathons in the last 3 months along with some 5k & 10k races and I have 5 Ironman Triathlons on the plate for 2009. I am living proof that hard work does pay off, and sticking to the plan, and pushing yourself everyday can and will change your perspective on life. I am no longer "Fat" I am no longer the biggest person in any given room, or at any given place, I am no longer the guy who people stare at and feel sorry for, I am no longer the guy who gets kicked of roller coasters because he doesn't fit, no not that man at all, instead, I AM AN ATHLETE! An athlete that does one of the hardest endurance sports in the world... Ironman. This year I will become an Ironman, and again will accomplish something that not-so-long ago felt impossible. Your outlook is really what turns the impossible to the possible, and there is no doubt in my mind now that if I put my mind to something, I WILL see it through and accompli**** This is a time of reflection and gratitude for me. A time to think of all the obstacles and challenges that I have overcome, a time to think of everyone who has played a part in my journey, whether big or small, a time to thank my Heavenly Father for the chance I have been given to start living a more healthy, more rewarding life, and a time to especially thank my family, especially my wife, Christie. She is the glue that holds our family together. She is the one that has sacrificed so much in this process as well. There have been countless days that I have worked out 2 & 3 times in a day, gone most of Saturday mornings training, etc... and she has been the one to take care of the little ones. She is so amazing and I love her more than words can express.

     In closing, My hope is that I can be a source of inspiration to at least 1 person out there. That one person who feels like there is no hope, that person who is affraid of failure, and feels hopeless, that person who thinks they are not of any worth. To that person or persons, my heart goes out to you, because that was me 14 short months ago. I challenge everyone *****ads this to look deep within yourself, realize you are of such great worth, you have the power within you to do anything you put your mind to, and most of all YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! Go out and face your fears, go out and tackle your dreams, push yourself to your limits, and most importantly, hold your head high knowing the whole time that change is coming and as sure as the sun sets this evening it will rise again in the morning. Today IS the first day of the rest of your life, make this and every day count, and may you always recieve the happiness and blessings you so rightfuly deserve. Thank you for reading and for always being sources of inspiration for me...


Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Michelle B.
on 3/18/09 5:29 pm - Augusta, ME
WOW Dan that is amazing.  You ROCK!!!!!  I have been following you for a while now and you keep amazing me.  I got goosebumps reading your post!!!!   You have definetly inspired me to push myself and to try things I have never thought were possible.  This summer I will be able to say that I am a triathlete too!!  I can't wait!  Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us!

Consult weight 235   / Day of Surgery 191   / Current 133 / Goal 125

on 3/19/09 9:14 am - Levittown, PA
Freaking awesome Dan!    I just hit goal Tuesday myself.   Congrats. 

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 1-11-11 Lower Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Upper Body Lift, Arm Lift and Male Breast Reduction

If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!

on 3/22/09 4:37 am - TX


Trust me there are a lot of people that you inspire, myself included.

Keep it up.


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