I survived my first Tri. Parris Island

victoria R.
on 3/16/09 1:36 am - goose creek, SC

Hey Everyone,
I made it!
I woke up at 3am couldnt sleep, we left at 5:15 for the almost 2 hr. drive.  The weather was cold, damp & gloomy but the rain held of***** there picked up our packets & got that all sorted out, then found my transition area & got that all ready & then just waited back inside at the pool where it was warm.  My friend/mentor/coach & 2 other buddies from the gym were there doing their first tri too.  I wasnt really nervous by that time & knew if I could get through the swim I would be fine.  I was seeded close to the end so we didnt get to start until almost 11:00.  Finally it was my time to start and I was as calm as I could be & decided I was going to take my time with my swim which I did ,after the first lap I let the 2 guys behind me pass me because they were really fast then I ended up passing a few people too.  I got a cramp in my side about the halfway mark but I tried not to focus on it & kept going, finally I was on the last lap & was so happy to reach that exit ladder, I ended up exiting right behind the lady who started in front of me, as I was exiting I heard this chick yelling behind me to MOVE IT, my first instinct was to turn around & blast her but I didnt have time for that & I didnt want to get kicked off the course.  She looked to be an experienced triathlete so I'm wondering if she was late & they seeded her at the very  end because I remember seeing her running around earlier like a decapitated chicken.  Ran outside & wa**** with the cold air, dried off a bit, threw a shirt on, shoes/socks, helmet & was off.  The bike ride was great, I ended up passing a few people which boosted my ego. Finally finished the bike ride & went to rack my bike, grab my race belt & was off.  I started off slow then walked for a minute or 2 while I downed a gu then started running again & didnt stop until I got to a water stand, the lady told me I was halfway done so I kept on going, I saw a lady in front of me cheat a little by cutting a corner but I wasnt going to do that.  I knew I was getting close I could hear the crowds & there were people cheering me on here & there which was a boost, finally I could hear my friend/coach & Robert cuz he finished before me cheering me on as I crossed that finish line.
Great experience for me & I will definitely be doing more.  I'm pleased with my times too.  My first goal was to finish second goal was to finish under 2 hours I made both of those.
Swim 16:26 T1 3:41 Bike 44:10 T2 1:44 Run 33:48 Total 1:39:48
On a side note I met some really nice people before & afterwards, I must say the Tri community is very welcoming to newcomers like myself.  I also had a great nights sleep Saturday night after I came down off of that wonderful high!  Thanks everyone here for all of the tips, support, inspriration, encouragement, etc.  The only thing I saw people do that I didnt know about was bringing their stuff in a bucket so they could use it as a stool, I thought that was a neat idea.



on 3/16/09 1:50 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good Job Vicki! You are now a Triathlete... Way to go!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Michelle B.
on 3/16/09 2:16 am - Augusta, ME
Congrats!! That is so cool.  I can't wait to do my first tri this summer.

Consult weight 235   / Day of Surgery 191   / Current 133 / Goal 125

on 3/16/09 7:18 am - Port Huron, MI
 Reading these reports is making me so excited to do my first try.  Probably isn't going to be until June though, oh well at least I'm getting my motivation from all of you!
on 3/16/09 7:27 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Great job on your first tri Vicki!   I enjoyed reading your report.



Cassie W.
on 3/16/09 7:58 am
Congratulations Vicki,

You certainly surpassed your goals for your first Tri.  Way to go!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 3/16/09 9:56 am
Congrats on completing your first Tri.

Excellent effort!  Thanks for sharing your race report.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/16/09 3:18 pm
Great job! Whatch out they can be addicting.
Rob S.
on 3/17/09 1:17 am - DE
Great job.  You not only made it, but you exceeded your goals!  Thanks for sharing your report with us.
on 3/17/09 3:02 am - TX
Congrats on your first tri!!  You did great.

Thanks for sharing your report.
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