Really need help

on 3/2/09 8:37 am - Lakeville, MN
Hi All,

I am just over 3 months out. I was 215 the day of surgery and am 5 ft 3. I am down to 163 now and have felt great until the last 2 weeks. I work out 5 times a week 1/2hr cardio/1/2 hr weights normally. Last week  I started spinning classes and my guess is I am burning more calories than I am consuming  or something because I am getting headaches regularly abt an hour to 2 hours after I eat. I feel great until lunch and then BAM! ...I am doing 3 meals and 3 snacks already. Got yelled at my 3 mo post op that I am eating too many calories at this stage in the game and should only be at 1/4 cup not 1/2 cup?? I don't want to stop my class but not sure how to better the situations. I'll list my typical food day...Maybe I need to do protein shakes for snacks???? But that ups the calories too. My nut wants the milk vs protein shakes for the calcium and protein as even at age 30 I am in menopause. I had labs done Fri so waiting to see what it says too. I am so confused!!

5am 8 oz milk/dt swiss miss hot cocoa (I drink that and water at the gym and on my drive to work) Get to work at 7.30...Still feel great at this point
8am-Breakfast  1/2 c cottage cheese with a strawberry
9am to 11am water. start getting hungry at 11.
11:30 Lunch- meat chili 1/2 c.
12:30-2:30 drinking water again.
3pm snack- usually 5 wheatables with peanut butter or some almonds or string cheese
3:30-5pm- water
5:30 dinner- usually an omlet now (1egg w some ham and cheese) or ham salad (still get sick w meats) 
6:30-8pm water
8pm-8oz milk /dt swiss miss hot cocoa
bed at 9.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Cassie W.
on 3/2/09 9:06 am
Two things come to mind in reviewing your situation:

1) Iron deficiency - I think your labs may reveal that you've become anemic.  About 5 months after my surgery, I hit a wall.  I had headaches, low energy and even felt that my mind wasn't the sharpest.  Labwork revealed that my iron stores were low.  Once I started taking additional iron tablets, I felt considerably better.  I also added B-12 and B-complex to my daily multivitamin.

2) Carbohydrates - With the spinning class, I suspect that you need more carbohydrates to fuel your workouts.  Many gastric bypass patients don't exercise so nutritionists are very cautious introducing carbohydrates into our diets, especially during the honeymoon phase.  I think by simply adding a half of a banana before and after your spinning class, you'll feel much better.  I'm more than 2 years out and know that I need carbohydrates to exercise.  So, I just try to make sure that I eat them around my workouts so I don't trigger old carb habits.

Let us know how your labwork turns out.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 3/2/09 9:12 am - Lakeville, MN
I have been trying to be more pro active with the vits as I came into this journey deficient in D, B1 and low iron. I am taking 2 iron pills, B1, vit D (prescript), and B12 shots along with my multi but you are prob right on the nose with the iron...and the carb thing. I am scared to death to introcarbs as they are my downfall too but didnt even think abt banana!! Thanks!!
on 3/2/09 12:07 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey There,

     Aside from what was posted, I wonder if you might be hypoglycemic. Perhaps after you eat maybe a small glass of 100% juice might help. A lot will be revealed with labs. I agree that most nuts / bariatric nutritionists don't know how to deal with patients who have a high level of activity. I say keep on with your spin, try swimming, try running, try whatever you want, but the bottom line is in order for you to do those things, your body needs fuel! I know before surgery I used to eat a ton of carbs, and comfort food too, now, I probably eat more carbs than I used to, but the difference is my outlook... I look at the food I put in my mouth as fuel, not as a feeling of satisfaction or comfort... Strictly fuel. I run marathons, triathlons, swim long distances, and without carbs I could not function and I would "Bonk". I would suggest that as you introduce carbs, make smart decisions... Instead of candy, chocolate, chips... Try wheat bread & peanut butter, granola / granola bars, nuts, fresh fruit smoothies, of course the afor-mentioned bananas, honey, oatmeal, pastas, brown rice, etc...  There are tons of options!

     One last thing I will mention and then I will get off my soap box is the way you train / workout, especially with cardio. I see so many people go to the gym and try to go as hard and as fast as they can, everyday! The problem when you do this is that you are working in an Anaerobic state, which burns carbs, not fat. When we stay within our target heart rate, and stay in an "Aerobic" state, we are burning fat. Try keeping your heart rate a little lower, take in the calories you need to feel great and sustain your lifestyle, and instead of going to your surgeon, who is used to dealing with people that have a hard time making the decision to walk 10 minutes 2 times a week, try to envoke the help of a specialized nutritionist that will take into consideration your dietary needs, restrictions, and goals and I think you will find that info invaluable and in stark contrast to what your Bariatric Sugeon is telling you. The one thing I don't understand is that if you are having a caloric deficit each day, how on this green earth can your surgeon be "Concerned" about your caloric intake" It baffles me....Anyways, you are on the right track, welcome, stick around, there are a ton of inspirational people here!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/2/09 10:04 pm - Lakeville, MN
Thanks so much!! I am monitoring my heart and staying in my target range. My fitness instructors know my agenda and are totally okay if I don't follow the spinning class exactly.

I have an amazing nut therepist but don't see her till Friday so as my freakout  was taking place last night and I needed some I am wondering hypoglycemia too?? Since I was diabetic and I am off all meds now maybe its going the other way. Hopefully the lab results come back today.
on 3/2/09 12:57 pm
My nut said to eat a carb before you exercises like 20 minutes before you workout. A yogurt,banana, or a oatmeal bar. Not candy,chips, pop and the junk food  that got us to this in the first place. Healthy choices. When you exercise you burn glucose. Once you body burn too much  glucose you will feel dizzy, lightheaded and develop headaches. I always develop this also. Just to keep up with your metabolism eat a healthy snack. It's like a diabetic, like myself if I burn  too much glucose.  I will feel hypoglycemia coming on. I feel lightheaded , sweating,confused, dizzy, heart racing, and shaking hands.So to deal with that  i always have something like a banana,apple juice or something healthy.To get my blood sugar back up. I don't want my body to bottom out. Just keep some granola bars, banana, little juice boxes(Juicy juice) stored in your gym bag or somewhere close for you can eat it 20 minutes before you workout. Sometimes a little OJ will bring your blood sugar back up,  it will get the blood sugar up for you can start feeling good again. Just a small cup should be fine. You will see the difference. Girl you can't be going through the meno yet. you look too young for that.Eat a carb before you work out for now on. I will watch how much carb also that I'm taking in. I will not exceed 15-20 carbs.My yogurts are under 15 carbs. With bars that 's another thing, because some have alot of carbs and sugar. I try to stay under 15 . I don't want to intake too much carb.I don't eat bread, pasta, rice,cakes, pop,or and of those things. I rather get my carb from a yogurt or banana. That's my carb for the day when i workout. I only eat a carb  for workouts only. I hope this help. Take care
on 3/2/09 9:35 pm, edited 3/2/09 10:00 pm - Fort Worth, TX
A small glass of juice is no where near enough carbohydrate to sustain longer workouts. Try to keep a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein. So, if you are getting your recommended 50 - 60 grams of protein (each nut is different in their recommendations) you you should have 200 - 240 grams  of carbohydrates, if you are working out for considerable amounts of time each day. I take in about 150 - 175 grams of protein a day, and it is a struggle to try to get 600 grams of carbs in each day, but I try real hard! 13 months ago I was 400 pounds, today I am 204 doing the very thing I just stated. Your body needs more fuel than 15-20 g of carbs. When you excercise, your body burns Glycogen, which is the bodie's stored form of  glucose. Carbohydrates allow for increased Glycogen stores that are in reserve for physical excertion. It's important to keep those stores topped off pre workout, but most importantly, they need to be replenished after your workouts so you can have energy and stamina in your next workout. Ok, off my soap box now. Take care...

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/2/09 10:07 pm - Lakeville, MN
Thanks everyone for the great ideas and from putting things in a better light!! I'm going to switch out the milk and do protein shakes for a few days and see how that goes and I will let you all know how the labs come back!!
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