
on 2/25/09 11:59 pm
So what did you do to increase your swim skill and potential.

I just started reading the total immersion book on swimming, and they talk about effortless swimming, or swimming downhill.  I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but it sounds almost too good to be true.  My swimming is anything but effortless.  My swimming feels more like i'm dragging a bucket full of concrete behind me, and my arms are going to fall off.

I so badly want to do the longer distance triathlons, but I'm not making any swim progress, it never seems to get easier.  I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall and I'm not making any progress.  If it was the run or the bike, it wouldn't be any big deal, I'd just walk for a while and start running again.  But after my first Tri last year I had a real fear of OMG I hope the guy in the kayak can get here fast enough.  I think the guys in the Kayaks were thinking the same thing, because they started trailing behind me.  I don't think they thought I was going to make it either.

I always thought I knew how to swim, but apparently what I knew was how to play in the water, not actually get anywhere.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/26/09 1:13 am - Northern, CA
Getting coaching.

It turns out I am doing all sorts of things wrong that I never knew I was doing wrong and having someone to demonstrate and give me tips has been invaluable.

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on 2/26/09 4:59 am - MI

Quit banging you head against the wall, and get some professional help. Well, what I mean is, get some coaching. Call around to some of the local triahtlon clubs, YMCA's, swim clubs, etc, and find a coach that specializes in adults. Make sure they know you know how to swim, but need help being more proficient.

Once I got some professional help, it has helped immensely. I had bad form, wasnt truly training (just doing laps), etc.

Good luck...

on 2/26/09 5:02 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Scott your best bet would be to join a masters group or something at a local gym / YMCA or get a few classes with a swim coach to get them to give you some stroke critique. 

Total Immersion is cool but it's not very easy to learn after you've developed bad habits. (like me)  I tried it but couldn't fully grasp the technique so I'm back to doing my own thing.   <--- I'm sure THAT'S a great idea.  :) 


on 2/26/09 7:36 am
It's going to have to be on my own, no money for lessons or professional instruction.

It might not even matter this year the way finances are, I probably won't be able to scrape any funds together for events any how.

My wife does have some interviews lined up, so I have my fingers crossed.  But it gives me another year to build up my running and biking skills.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/27/09 1:49 am - MI

Once you start checking around you might just be surprised to find that a few coaching sessions arent all that expensive.

For example: At the Masters program I attend on Saturdays, it costs be about $8 a session, and that includes the coaching and a plan set up for me. This is for up to 2 hours if I wish.

At my Tri club swim clinic, I paid $150 for like 24 sessions. That is Monday and Thursday evenings for 1.5 hours.

I wasted that much if not more on my YMCA memberships thinking I knew how to swim.

Just my 2 cents worth.

on 2/26/09 6:41 pm - Dacula, GA
There are lots of clinics out there.

Also-look into tri clubs. I'm an assistant swim coach w/the atlanta tri club. We do weekly group swim. I help out those who have no skillz. I also help those who do have skillz refine their stroke. I'm telling you...a few private lessons go a long way.

TI does have some good qualities to it, the most important being balance. The sweet spot is a great tool to use if you go anaerobic and get tired in the open water.

The DVD IMO is way more helpful than the book.

With that said, I did TI and it got me through my first tri.
I then had to unfix my bad habits.
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