Drowning Sloth Tuesday workout

on 2/23/09 11:46 pm
Ugh, I thought I would give my legs a break today, but I still wanted to get a workout.  I have been neglecting my swimming so off to the pool I went.  I figured it was time to see if I could once again drown myself in 3 feet of water I am more physically and mentally tired from what little swim I accomplished than I would be from an hour + on the treadmill.  Swimming used to be fun, I wish I could reclaim some of that feeling.  Maybe it's just that I'm so bad at it now that it seems like work instead of relaxation.  I think I need someone to play some marco polo with me while I swim laps. 

So I have had my shower and breakfast, and I'm sitting here thinking boy I need a nap and I won't get one until I go to bed tonight because I have school after work.  Maybe I should have taken a real rest day.

I hope everyone else had a great workout today!  No tired legs or sore muscles.

Have a great day


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/24/09 3:29 am - MI

I feel what your saying. I get the same way on occasion, and it always tells me that I need to take a break. If not take a break then change things up to make it more interesting.

I've been struggling with staying active in these crappy winter months. My "A" race in August seems so far away, so why do I need to suffer right now. I guess that is why I signed up for the triathlon swim clinic, and the Half Marathon Run camp. Its a great way to stay motivated, and peer pressure does wonders for whether or not to go workout.

As always, once I get the workout done and over with, I will always feel 110% better than I did before. I know all the work I'm putting in now will pay off in August.

I did a 2.77 mile run during lunch in 26 minutes. It was my first run since my long run on Saturday. yeah yeah, I know, but the crappy weather and my work load hasnt allowed me to get out running more. Plus I felt I needed a little extra rest with my swim clinic starting this week.

Scott William
on 2/24/09 3:36 am
I took the day off because I worked a double last night.  Prehaps I could do some laps around the rec yard at work but probably not.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 2/24/09 9:38 am - Missoula, MT
I need to swim again tomorrow.  Gotta start being sure I'm in the pool at least twice a week so I can get a little faster.

Anyway, today was another good spin class.  Tough though, since it was my 6th workout in a row.  I will need to run again tomorrow and possibly swim, but I'm taking Thursday off this week.  I missed too many runs last week so I need to get back on that.

Feeling more or less myself again these days, so hopefully the workouts will start feeling better again.

You'll get there again Scott.  I understand how it goes being so busy.  You just make the body do what it will, and then other times it tells you.

Cassie W.
on 2/24/09 11:07 am
Tonight's 6-mile run was a little tough.  I was scheduled to maintain a 9:30 pace, but my lungs took a little while to warm-up in the 16-degree night air.   I was fortunate to have another runner join me about halfway through, who was able to help get me to pace, despite the protests from my lungs.

I ran:
2 miles at 10:07
1 mile at 9:51
2 miles at 9:30
1 mile at 10:00

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 2/24/09 1:54 pm - Northern, CA
Today was my track workout. We had to run 1600 at T pace and then another lap (400) at R or I pace. I really only have two paces -- slow and slower. In fact, when I was doing my first R/I lap, a bunch of people doing their T laps passed me!

Then we rested for 90 seconds and then did it again.

Anyway, I got two of them in and I wasn't sure I could do get two in during the time most of the group did 3, but I did, so that was good. Plus, I really could go faster at the end, which I didn't think I could do. So that's good, too.

I'm going to start doing this with my treadmill runs too. I run my prescribed distance and then walk for 2-3 min. and then run out the rest of the time and I'm going to start running out the rest of the time at a faster pace and see what happens.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Elisa K.
on 2/24/09 8:59 pm - Lumberton, NJ
I took a few days off - I was feeling really run down - luckily I didn't get sick!  I think a few days was what I needed.  So, Tuesday it was back to the grind!!  Hubby and I did an easy 4 mile run.  We kept the pace at about 11:15 because we hadn't run in about a week.  Felt good to be back.

I do think the rest did me good.  Running was starting to feel like a chore I was dreading - like cleaning the house - LOL!!  I guess sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. 
on 2/24/09 11:20 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Heh heh.   I hear you man.   I still don't like the swim but at least this year I am confident that I CAN swim indefinitely for long distances.   I still just want to get it over with though.  In a racing environment I treat it as a warmup for the bike and run.  No matter how you cut it it's only usually 10% of the entire race so I don't fret over how fast or slow I am.   Someone may beat me in the swim but I'll catch them on the bike and run! 

The funny thing about swimming is that, unlike the bike and run, technique and not distance plays a major part in improvement.   You can have a poor running or biking technique yet still improve in speed.   It's a stark contrast with swimming.   A poor technique can actually make you MORE inefficient long term.  You may want to consider getting a private lesson or get someone with an underwater camera to film you so you can try to improve you stroke. 

Hang in there man!


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