Thank you Scott William!

Linn D.
on 2/14/09 10:14 am - Missoula, MT
So I went to Scott's profile to get a better look at his new photo and saw his version of The Penguin's why I run.  Very profound in a lot of ways, and partly because I'll be 5 years post-op on Tuesday and feeling a little retrospective, I'm prompted to post this.

I have been reminded often lately that people watch very carefully what I do when I'm at the gym.  I'm known as the buff gal who runs a lot.  I never in a million years would have thought that I inspired anyone, because the reasons I run and do tris are very personal.  I don't do any of what I do for anyone else.  I do it for me.  I have goals and enjoy challenges.  I like to see how much faster I can go or how much farther.

I did a spin class on Tuesday afternoon and afterward 2 people came up to me and said, "You totally rock!"  They said that when they didn't think they could go anymore they'd look over and see me pedaling away with the sweat running down my face and it would give them the strength to do more.

I guess my point is that even though we don't exercise for anyone else (and we shouldn't - our health is ours), everyone around us sees.  Many of the people who see me know that I've had the RNY, but many others don't.  Those who do think it's completely amazing what I've accomplished, and I tend to downplay those accomplishments I've made. 

Well, here's to saying out loud I'M A MONSTER AT THE GYM, I WORK HARD AT IT, AND I'M PROUD OF EVERYTHING I CAN DO!  I forget that sometimes because I have so many more goals I haven't attained yet, and it's nice to be reminded that we SHOULD be proud of all our gains, and even when things aren't going as well as we'd like (only able to do 3 miles) the only, as Scott reminded me, should not ever be said.

Perspective is everything, and remembering where you started is a good thing to do.  Thank you all for being such a wonderful group to be a part of.

So let's hear it.  Why do you run/walk/play?

on 2/14/09 11:30 am - Fort Worth, TX
I posted this in December 08, just before my 1st marathon....

Post Date: 12/12/08 7:43 pm
My wife asked me a while back why I work out so much and why it is so important for me to be an Ironman... I have thought about that more than anyone knows, I asked myself that in the middle of my 22 mile long run last week, I asked myself that question again as I stood in line to pick up my race packet for the marathon today. I thought about that as I kneeled next to my son and said goodnight prayers and tucked him into bed a few minutes ago. I thought about  it everytime I walked through the door from work when my 22 month old daughter would come running to me with a smile and a hug yelling "Dadddeeee".  I think about that question the minute I open my eyes in the morning, the minute I lay down at night, and probably dream about the question when I am sleeping. I especially thought about it when I crossed the finish line of my first Sprint triathlon 8 months after RNY in a little over an hour and a half, crying like a baby, wanting nothing more than to hug my wife, cry on her shoulder for bit, then squeeze my kids.
Here is my simple answer to my wife's humble question....

Because I want to be a hero.

Then, if that is the answer, which it is, that begs another question.... "Why do you want to be a hero"? The simple answer is, because if I am not my son's or my daughter's or my wife's hero, that means someone else will be.

I want to be a hero, because I don't want to have to leave the inspiring stories, war tales, and glory for someone else to enjoy. I want to do those things that others are affraid to do. I want to do the things that people always told me I could'nt. I want to smile with pride in the faces of all those that laughed behind my back because of my severe obesity. I want to silence those that once chuckled under their breathe when they saw me at a buffet, I want to wipe the stinging grin off the face of that guy in Hawaii that I rented a quad from that yelled as I rode off onto the dirt path "We better order new suspension when that guy is done with it", and didn't think I heard it. I want to find that guy who was driving by the golf course when I was swinging my club that yelled " Why don't you run instead of golf fat ass" and ask him if he wants to run with me now. I want to cry tears of joy crossing a finish line, not cry in a corner because I just ate a whole pizza and still wanted more. I want to be a hero because I CAN be. I want to be an Ironman because I CAN be. I want to run the marathon this weekend because I CAN. It is so liberating to truly believe that you CAN. I grew up without a father, and I grew up having to look to other kid's dads to be my hero. You know... the dad who coaches the ball team, the dad who teaches their kids to ride a bike, the dad that takes the kids camping, the dad who works hard so the mom can stay home and raise the family, the dad who everyone wishes they had. I want to be THAT kind of hero.

One other question.... Am I just going to be bib #5748 in The Run The Rock Marathon this weekend? The answer is.... NO

I am the guy who 11 month's ago weighed 400 pounds, I am the guy that is preparing for 6 Ironman events next year, I am the guy who will be running towards my family, not running towards the Awards Podium. I am the guy who has taken hundreds of thousands of steps in preperation for my marathon, not steps towards the marathon, but steps away from obesity. Steps away from the man who would run away from crowded places, run away from reality, and run away from the very thing that keeps me wanting to run today. Love....No, I am not just bib #5748, I am the man that prays he can bring hope to those that find their heads clouded with doubt, I am the man that hopes to help people reach their full potential, I am the guy that hopes to inspire his family, which for the most part, is entirely comprised of overweight to super morbidly obese people. I am running without years of training without proper technique, without what would be considered proper running attire, however, what I do run with is heart. My heart is so full of thankfullness and hope. Thankfullness for all that I have been given, especially a chance at a new start to life, and hope. Hope that I can help at least one person to believe in themself and take the steps needed to walk away from obesity and rise to the champion that is within all of us.

I will close this winded rant with a quote I heard a while ago...

"There are 3 types of people in this world. Ones who make things happen, ones who watch things happen, and ones who say, What happened? I challenge myself and all of us to make TODAY the day that we all make things happen.  We will be better for it, and in someone's eyes we WILL be a hero.

If you want to track my progress on the 26.2 mile run on Sunday, here is the link, and I again am bib# 5748.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement, I could not have done this without you.
View more of my photos at">a>

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Rob S.
on 2/16/09 9:37 pm - DE
Congratulations on your 5-year anniversary.  It's funny you should bring this up. 

I was just sulking around the gym the other day trying to get members for my Cancer Awareness Team.  It turns out a lot more people know me than I thought.  Once the two spinning instructors told their classes that "Fast Rob" (only on the bike) was looking for members, I had fifteen people hunt me down and sign up. 

I would echo your statement that at the gym, I outwork everyone and am extremely proud of what I have accomplished.   My main goal is still to maintain my fitness level, but it doesn't hurt to have the feeling that people are actually watching you and some even trying to emulate you.  It also is great to have such a wonderful group of people on this board that love to listen to your achievements and share their victories.

I run for a totally different reason.  I run now because I can, and I never thought I would.  I actually enjoy the pace, the outdoors, the runners.  It is great to set out on a weekend run, and not even worry about how many miles you are going to accomplish, but realizing that when you get to a certain distance you might want to think about heading back to the start.  Runners are amazing.  It doesn't matter how fast or slow you go, only that you go.  It is an incredible feeling to be out there for the start of a race, and look around at all the different sizes and shapes, and realize that everyone is just trying to finish.  When I first started running two years ago, I really got a kick out of the mass starts and the finishing line.  Now I really enjoy the time in between the start and the finish.  Of course, now I'm sitting here at work just wishing I could get outside and run 5-miles.  So much to accomplish still...
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