What do you eat & what do you do????

on 2/5/09 1:10 am
So I was looking at the post on nutrition and exercising and thought I would take a spinoff on that.

How many calories do you eat each day, and what is the breakdown of the nutritional information

Please give an example of your daily menu:

What is your daily exercise like
how many calories are you burning each day from your exercise routine?


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Scott William
on 2/5/09 1:15 am
It is probably bad that within 1000 calories, I could not tell you how many I consume a day. 

When I got back from Disney, I took a few days off and have since changed up my routine.  I am consentrating on speed and strength.  I want to build muscle and break my 5K PR that has been around for two years.

I burn 600-700 calories during a typical trip to the gym.  The muscle allows me to burn more calories at rest.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 2/5/09 1:18 am
So to answer my own question, here is what I am looking at or trying to do, at least this week.  I am still trying to adjust and find what is right for me.  What will satisfy hunger and cravings and still be healthy and provide me with the nutrients I need.

I am tryin for 1000-1200 calories a day, most of that being protein.

Here is one of my menus
Food Log List Subform
Food Eaten Servings Meal Calories Fiber Protein Carbs Fat
Pure Protein Bar 1 05:00 180 2 20 17 1
Egg Beaters 3 07:30 90 0 18 3 0
Knudsen 2% Cottage Cheese 1 07:30 100 0 14 4 3
Shrimp 2 12:00 140 0 34 0 0
Sargento Sharp Cheese Stick 2 12:00 120 0 10 2 9
Knudsen 2% Cottage Cheese 1 14:00 100 0 14 4 3
Pure Protein Vanilla Shake 1 14:00 100 2 21 4 0.5
Chicken Breast 1 18:00 130 0 27 0 1
Fage Greek Yogurt 0% 1 18:00 90 0 15 7 0
Fudgsicle No Sugar Added 1 19:00 40 2 2 10 1

175 51 18.5

I have about 1-1.5 hours of exercise time in the mornings before I go to work.
I usually spend most of that doing cardio.  I either do a combination of bike 1/2 hour, run 1/2 hour.  Or I spend an hour on the elliptical machine.  My goal is 600-700 calories burned during that hour.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/5/09 2:09 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Note, same resposne cut & pasted from the nutrituin question post,  also I have cut back because I am currently not able to workout with my hip problem,.but to answer your question, when I was at the height of my training I was/am a big protein advoctae too.  This is what I was doing with pleasing success for me:

Morning: vitamins - B12 2500mg, B1, B-Complex liquid, Biotin, A, D, E, 2 potassiums (99 mg), 2 multivitamins (with 28 mg iron), 1 garlic (1000mg (not the 99 mg I cited in the previous post/my mistake); then make breakfast, shower, and get ready for work

- oatmeal with a chopped in banana and 1 scoop whey isolate protein powder (23 gms)
or a banana & strawberry smoothie with 1 scoop protein powder
mid morning snack:
- 2 Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe protein bar (to be eaten with 8 oz of water according to manufacturer label directions), 1.76 oz bar, 20gms protein from whey isolate each (total of 40gms protein and 16 oz water ~ 1 bottle water)
- a 2nd 16.9 - 20 oz bottle water

Lunch: (jog for 60+or- mins)
post run recovery - banana, protein bar (20 gms), and bottle water,...sometimes some B12 and or a G2 or Lean Sobe if it was a long run one, tough interval run, or HIITs

mid afternoon snack:
- 2 Pure Protein bars with a water (40 gms)
- a 2nd water

Shrimp or imitation seafood (crab legs) with ****tail sauce (18+ or- gms)
or scambled egg whites with cheddar cheese

evening snack;
2 protein bar w/1 water or smoothie w/ protein powder (23 gms) + 1 bar

Evening vitamins: Diovan (BP Med), 1 childrens 18mg aspirin, 2 Calcium Citrate, 3 flaxseed, 1 magnesium (leg pain)

so Brkfst 23gms + 40 snk +20 lunch+ 40 snk +18 dinner + 40 snk = 180gms

So yes, I was eating 6 bars or a box of Pure Protein bars a day. I take small bites and chew then about a 1 oz swallow of water (remember the little cups we drank out of after surgery? good training). I could get about 6 bites per bar.  If you aren't careful you could bite it off in about 3 bits thenyou lose the chewing satisfaction and if your go slower, thy actual make me fil full; maybe the bloatting/gas from the sugar alcohol content.

Good luck.  Not everyone likes this kind of diet and I found when I was getting into the 8-10+ mile runs, prepping for my first half, I needed some carbs.  Thats when I adopted some Lance PB crackers and cookies (bad MoJo!) and Nature Valley Honey and Oats granola bars (good MoJo). 

But be warned,...when I stopped running with my hip issue, but didn't slow down eating, even though it was small meals, much like grazing almost, the weight started piling back on.  So I had to adjust accordingly to stop it and am now working my way back down from 30 quick pounds.  The running was building strength and stamina and a little weight but it was really burning up the calories and keeping me slim and trim too.

Hope that is what you were looking for. 

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 2/5/09 2:21 am
Thanks, that's the kind of info I was looking for.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/5/09 4:42 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Scott,

Here is what a typical day looks like for me....

I typically take in 2,500 - 4,000 calories a day depending on my workout routine and what my body tells me it needs. I typically get in 150-200g of protien a day. I typically keep a 4:1 ratio on carbs : protein. Most of the fats I eat come from nuts and EVO or stuff without too much saturated fat. On my typical workouts, I am working out for 2 hours a day and burn between 1500 - 2000 calories. Here is what I ate yesterday....

Breakfast: Large bowl of Kashi Crunch + 1 Banana + Glass of 100% Juice w/ Creatine before food + 26g Protein shake pre-workout + Nitric Oxide Pills + Fish Oil & Antioxidant & B12 (1000mcg)

Post-Workout Meal: 50G Protein Drink 1 Banana 2 Granola Bars

Mid-Morning Snack: Almonds & A few pieces of Beef Jerky

Lunch: A few chips w/ salsa + 1 Cheese Enchilada W/ refried Beans and a couple bites of Rice

Mid-Afternoon Snack: 2 Granola Bars & Pure Protein Bar (20 G)

Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast + Wild Rice Pilaf + Brocolli

Desert: 2 Sugar - free Popsicles + a couple handfuls of 100% Organic Animal Crackers (Sweetened with evaporated Cane Juice) THEY ROCK!!!

Pre-sleep Protein load: 2 String Cheese Sticks & 20G Pure Protein Bar

My workout yesterday consisted of a 3200 Meter Swim in under an hour. I would typically throw in a run or a spin class, but not enough time yesterday. 

I don't think I would have enough energy to feel so great throughout the day without enough calories. I always take my B12, multi vit, calcium, protein, antioxidants, fish oil (Omegas), creatine, glutamine, Nitric Oxide, and plenty of salt without fail!!! A lot of people think I eat way too much, but have you seen Micheal Phelps diet? I am struggling to eat ALL day to try to get half of the caloric intake he does. While I may eat a lot, my portions are in check, and I eat all throughout the day so I never feel hungry. My body metabolizes my food so quick now days! I love endurance sports.. It allows me to test my mental and physical toughness, while demanding I give my body the fuel it needs provided I am making smart food decisions. To-date since January 14th 2008, (My RNY Date) I have not eaten ANYTHING with refined sugar.. I stay away from sweets period unless they have splenda or are sweetened with evaporated can juice or some other form of sweetening without using refined sugar. The bottom line is, I do not eat for emotion or to make me happy, I eat because my body needs fuel... After all that's what food is and should be... fuel. Without enough of it, you will run out of gas... with too much or the wrong type of fuel, you will spill or waste it, with the wrong kind , like puting diesel when you needed unleaded will make your car shut down or run terribly poor. I hope this helps my friend...

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 2/5/09 5:00 am
Great detailed info.

Thanks much.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/6/09 12:15 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Hey Scott.   I don't diet anymore.   I moderate what I eat and don't really deny myself a food that I enjoy.   I stick to a guideline to get in around 150 - 200 grams of protein a day via protein shakes and lean meat (chicken, beef, pork or seafood) and then jus****ch the portions of everything else that I eat the rest of the day.   I'll regularly have a Snickers bar or a Reeses Peanut Butter cup as a post workout snack.  I drink one Kombucha tea a day plus coffee and hot tea throughout the day.   I do avoid sweets for the most part with the exception of a carb load after workouts for energy but I will have a treat of a piece of king cake, some ice cream or something else once or twice a week.    I've elminated soda from my diet entirely for the most part.   I'll have a Sprite once a month or so but I just don't enjoy it as much as I do a hot coffee or tea.  Like I said, I never deny myself foods that I enjoy but I rather make better decisions on what I choose to eat.   My coach made me stock up on canned veggies like green beans, lima beans, black eyed peas, spinach, etc.  and anytime I get hungry at work or at home I just pop open a can and eat that instead of reaching for chips or unhealthy stuff.   It does the trick for me.  :)

As far as exercising I follow a strict regimin set by my tri coach.   I get my weekly training plan from him every Sunday night.   I have a log book binder that I carry around with me 24/7 to write down heart rates throughout the day, log everything I consume and log my workouts.   We go over it every week and he makes adjustments accordingly.   I train 7 days a week with Friday usually being my 'active recovery' day,  That day will usually be an easy jog / long swim or and easy bike / long swim.    Weekdays I train between 2 and 3 hours a day swimming, biking and running with set workouts that vary with intensity and distance each day.    Saturdays are usually a few hours of transition training and Sundays have been my long bike which will be between 2.5 and 4 hours. 

Nutrition is and has always been an issue with me while I exercise.   I've had luck with peanut butter and pure honey shots that I get from Whole Foods but I still can't tolerate the gel products.   My doc is trying to find a medical remedy that works for me but everything we've done so far has been unsuccessful.  I've tried a prescription powder called Questran with limited results.   It makes my stomach twist if I take too much and not enough is ineffective.   I've used it a bit during training and tried it with no success at the Mardi Gras Marathon last weekend.   I was on my way to a 1:40 PR for the half and unfortunately found myself in the port-o-joy at mile 9 for 18 minutes with my gastric funhouse activities.   I would say that it hasn't been successful so far but the jury is still out.  :) 

I'm also about to start training with a product called Infinit.    They let you come up with your own blend for long disntace training and events.   Since carbs cause issues for me I blended mine with lower carbs and more protein.   Some of the guys in my tri club swear by it, but then they don't have the baby stomach and carb sensitivity that I have while training either.   We'll just have to see what happens. 



on 2/6/09 3:45 am - Northern, CA
My routine is changing so it's hard to answer this question. Until recently, I worked out 4-6 days a week for at least 45 min. at a time, mostly doing cardio, but also some Pilates. The machines said I was burning at least 300 calories each time.

For my nutrition, I was eating around 800 calories a day with about 97 g of that protein, about 25 g of fat and the rest carbs (under 40 g?). But now that I'm working out more, I find I have to eat more.

I'll go figure out my current nutritional stats and post them later.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 2/6/09 6:35 am - Northern, CA
Okay, for the month of Feb. so far and last 7 days of Jan, this is what I ate:

Last week Jan: 821 calories, 42.5 g carbs, 24.5 g fat, 97.5 g protein
Early Feb: 883 calories, 41 g carbs, 31 g fat, 103.5 g protein.

It generally works out to:

B: 1.5 serving protein shake, sometimes with fruit in it
L: protein of some sort (meat, eggs) and veggies
S: Something with protein, but also carbs. Such as: Protein bar, yogurt, cheese sticks, cottage cheese, protein muffin
D: usually a slab of meat and veggies, occasionally with beans or potatoes
S: (optional) Protein drink, nuts, hard-boiled eggs

I get more variety when I eat out or otherwise have food provided to me. That happens about 1-2x a week. Like tonight I'm going to a potluck. I'm bringing deviled eggs but I'm sure I'll have carrots and humus and fruit, because this crowd always brings that. And I like them.

For my workouts, I'm now doing 3 coached workouts a week, one which is 2-3 hours long, one 1-1.5 hours and one 1 hour. Plus some swim clinics here and there that are a few hours each. The rest of the time, I do cardio at the gym for 45 min, same as before. (Yes, I know I need to work strength training in there.)

I'm guessing that the new workouts, being longer and more intense than what I was doing before, will increase my calorie requirements, possibly even more. But I'm not sure how it will all work out yet.

I did have my RMR measured in Dec. and it was around 1250. I wonder what it is now...

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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