Loss of focus

on 2/2/09 12:56 am
Well since I recently hit my goal weight, I don't seem to have the drive to be successful.
In addition to that, my wife lost her job, and the quickest easiest cut to make to save money was the gym, cable and internet will be going next if she doesn't find a job soon.
I know I'm not likely to go out in the wee hours of the morning or at night after I get home, in both cases it's dark/cold/rainy.  I don't have any exercise equipment at home.  I'm worried that with a potential long layoff, I won't get back into it.  I know that with the little depression funk that I find myself in right now (worried about losing the house with my wife not working), I have very little desire to do anything but eat crappy comfort food and sleep.

Oh well enough wining, I just had to vent a bit.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/2/09 3:47 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Bro,

     I am sorry to hear about the new struggles that you are facing. It is such a time of uncertainty in this economic tumult and everyone has a lot of unanswered questions, and problems / worries with no concrete answers in place. While we cannot always control what happens to us, we can control how we react to what's happened to us. Dude, you have come soooooo far in just a year and have made so many significant achievements and have overcome a lot of personal struggles. You have to stay the course my friend. This journey has been long and ardeous to get to goal and now is the time to focus more than ever. It's easy while going through trials to notice the things we are going to have to do without, and sometimes easy to forget all the blessings and good things we have around us. At the end of the toughest day, you still have air  in your lungs, a wife to hug and cry with, and children that idolize you as their hero! Never forget who you are and how far you have come, and DO NOT let not having a gym membership etc keep you from staying fit and healthy. It's ok to grieve and be sad for a period, but as a wise man told me one time... if your house were on fire, would you watch it burn, or grab a hose? My brother, it sounds like your house is on fire, not literally, but you have a lot on your plate right now and you have to remain strong and firm in your resolution to be healthy and HAPPY. You will find happiness in everyday and you will make it through this trial. The most important thing you can take away from a trial is the lessons learned. Lessons about being humble, lessons about being kind, and lessons about being compassionate. I remember when I moved my business 3000 miles away from everything I knew and loved, had 2 kids and went from mid six figure income to having to close my business and having to drive a tractor to put food on the table for my family. Yeah we struggled, yeah we went without a lot of things, yeah my income for the two years i had my business was    -$135,000, but my family grew soooo close from that experience because we learned to rely on each other and found joy in the simple things like cleaning the yard and cooking together, rather than going and spending tons of money at a restraunt. Most importantly, we are so much more grateful for the things we have in our life now... A perspective we probably would not have had, had we not been compelled to be humble. Anyways, hopping of my soap box now, I know you will pull through this, and I am confident your wife will find a new position, just stay positive, get out there and stay active, and know all your friends from the Excercise & Fitness board are pulling for you and are hoping and praying for the best for your family.

Your Freind In Health & Sport,
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 2/2/09 5:55 am - Mandeville, LA
That all just sucks!  Maybe a good jog in the cold, dark, rainy night will help. 


HIGHEST 273.5 / PREOP 263.5 / CURRENT 198 / GOAL 161.5

Linn D.
on 2/2/09 12:48 pm - Missoula, MT
I also feel your pain.  I'm the one who lost my job, and without my husband changing jobs we might have lost our house as well.  Really bad since it's torn apart and a lot of the remodel projects aren't even half done.

We were fortunate that unemployment was enough to keep us afloat and student loans helped as well.  One of the main reasons I'm back in school.

Do your best to take care of yourself.  Maybe your gym will be good to you and let you be on financial hold for a while or have a reduced rate.

My thoughts are with you and your wife.  Things usually end up working out better than we think they might.  It just takes a little creative thinking sometimes.

on 2/3/09 7:12 am - Colonial Heights, VA
I was out of work for 4 months once before i found another job.  It was a real kick in the head.  But dude, eating smart is a state of mind you are going to do it or you aren't,....you make that decision.  A little fudging here or ther is not the end of the world so long as you don' go back to hiding your feelings by eating, or looking for happiness with food, or punishing yourself by eating what you know isn't good for yuo then making yourself ill and unproductive.

Talk with you wife, spend time withyour family.  Walk together, do some calistetics together, jump rope, go to the mall or Walmart and walk, dance,...there are lots of cheap ways to get some exercise and it helps to relieve stress too.

We love you man,....don't crap out on us or yourself.  This is the trial by fire to see if you can now apply what you have learned during your successful happy time.

For better or worse, in sickness and in health, in bad times and in good times, these are the times we work and grow together that make the later years all the more special. 
This to shall pass.  There are better days ahead, just hang in there and keep trying, doors will open. Good things will happen.

Your loser buddy,
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 2/3/09 2:28 pm, edited 2/3/09 2:28 pm - Northern, CA
Hey, you are my triathlon inspiration. Don't crap out on me now!

How about running at lunch time? Or joining the Y?

I totally understand about the gym. I had to give up on my idea to join this kickass gym with a pool because of money. I haven't swum since Nov. because of it. But tomorrow I'm starting a coached swim workout put on by my (just joined) triathlon club and it's much cheaper than joining the fancy gym.

The economic times are scary... not a good time to be hating my job like I am. Oh well, it will all work out, I'm sure. For both of us.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 2/3/09 9:08 pm
I am at the Y, and they are one of the most expensive places here in town actually.
With my wife not working, I'm going to be lucky to pay my mortgage, so anything that isn't food, shelter or utilities isn't going to happen.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/4/09 1:46 am - Red Oak, TX
Scott I'm praying God's blessing for you and your family, Be strong and do what you can when you can to keep moving forward.
on 2/4/09 2:16 am
Thanks for all the support everyone.
I will find something.  As the days get longer, It will open up the opportunity for more outdoor activities.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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