High protein/low carb with exercise ...

on 1/28/09 3:51 am - Salem, OR
So, I know most people have heard of the "5 day pouch test" that is out there.  I'm not either for it or against it but I have been so out of control with my eating lately that I thought I would give it a try just to see if I could get that carb urge out of my system.  Anyway, I made it through 2 days of just protein drinks and then on the 3rd day (which is soft protein day) my body just freaked out on me.  I went to the gym and couldn't hardly lift any weights and I had absolutely NO stamina.  And I tried to run and couldn't run without feeling really weak and I got a terrible crampy feeling in my sides. Plus, I felt really "loopy" and I was forgeting to do things I wouldn't normally forget to do!

So, I know this "diet" thing is not the best thing for someone who exercises a lot and I have already declared my defeat by it!  But I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this?  Also, how do you balance what you're eating?  Do you drink any protein drinks still after your workouts? 

I'm just struggling with that desire to eat all the time again!  I work out 1-2 hours every day so I know I'm burning a lot of calories. But I also know I can pack away the food too!  I'm definately not under-eating!  Somehow I need to get a grip on how much I eat!

Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 1/28/09 4:41 am - MI
I am kind of in the same boat, working out 1-2 hours a day and having an increased appetite.  I have been trying to focus on the quality of the food i am eating and frequency (small and often).  If i do this and have my diet centered on protein hunger and complusive eating is less of a problem

on 1/28/09 7:30 am - MI

Where are you from? You look kinda familiar.


Cassie W.
on 1/28/09 8:18 am

When I'm starting to feel out of control with my eating, I have to go back to tracking my food and planning my meals so I get the right mix of protein and carbs.  I try to time my carbs around my workouts, so I'm choosing them as fuel and recovery. 

Carbs are still such a trigger for me.  I have to make protein easily accessible so I'm more likely to choose it first.  I have protein bars in my purse and desk drawer, beef jerkey in my car, cheese sticks in the fridge and almonds in the pantry.  

I'm in the "back to basics" mode right now because I grazed through the holidays on all the carbs that were plentiful in the office.   So, I'm journaling, making protein a priority, drinking more water between meals, eliminating drinks with my meals, and eating smaller portions with planned snacks to control hunger and fuel my workouts.  It's been almost two weeks and the carb cravings are starting to subside.

For me, I know that even with all the positive changes that I've made, I will always have to be conscious about my food choices and portion sizes.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 1/28/09 8:42 am - Salem, OR
Oh, Cassie!  Thank you for your post!  I know being 2+ years out I've really noticed an ability to eat more and more!  And those cravings are outrageous!!!  If anything, being on protein drinks for 2 days cut down on those cravings.  I went back to eating small meals again today and that seems to be helping!

What kind of protein bars do you like to eat? 

Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Cassie W.
on 1/28/09 9:21 am

I eat a few different types of protein bars:
- Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe - 20g protein; 17 carbs; 180 calories.  With 20g of protein, it gives me a good headstart on my protein goals.  I love chocolate, so this is my breakfast most weekday mornings on my ride into work.

- South Beach Living High Protein Cereal Bars - 10g protein; 15g carbs; 140 calories.  I tend to eat these as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack if I'm hungry.  They're also great if I have to work later than expected so I don't hit the candy machine.

- Kashi Peanut Peanut Butter - 7g protein; 19g carbs; 140 calories.  This is my post workout favorite for recovery.  As an alternative after a long run, I'll mix up a protein shake, with whey protein, plain fat-free yogurt and fruit. 

I had my surgery only 3 months after you, so I totally understand where you're coming from with being able to eat more and actually feeling hunger again.   I have to go back to basics for 1-2 weeks about once every 3-4 months for a reality check.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 1/28/09 10:59 am - Northern, CA
I'm not a big fan of the 5 day pouch test. I think it's unhealthy. I track my food instead and adjust as I go.

A good piece of advice I got it to try to eat whatever carbs you are going to eat around your work outs.

So I'll have a protein bar and will eat half before and half after or I'll have some FAGE yogurt before and after or maybe cheese sticks or cottage cheese. I'll leave things like eggs or meat for other times of the day.

I drink a protein shake for breakfast to give my day a big protein start and then I generally have another protein drink at night. What it is depends on how I've done on my protein goals for the day. If I'm close, I top off with a protein hot chocolate with 15 g of protein. If I've really biffed, I'll go for the 1.5 servings protein shake. I try not to need that much protein by the end of the day though. I try to get 2/3 of my protein in by the time I work out (which is generally late afternoon or early evening).

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Linn D.
on 1/28/09 1:44 pm - Missoula, MT

I don't have much to add, but with all the protein and few carbs, your glycogen stores have been used up.  Before I started eating for recovery, by the third run day I had no energy and it was awful.  That's when I started paying attention to what I eat right after a workout.  I eat a PB&J sand or a peanut crunch Odwala bar (roughly 4:1 carb:protein grams) after most of my runs or spin classes and don't have problems with energy for my workouts anymore.

I do tend to graze and eat significant amounts of carbs, but I also try to eat most of them around workouts as well and eat better balanced meals.  Meals have more veggies and fruits.

on 2/3/09 7:28 am - Colonial Heights, VA
So, I love Cassies response.  I got off of but have gone back to my Pure Protein bar intake to purify my diet to protein and water.  I only wanted to add that the fatigue I experienced when I was building my base for running was resolved by increasing my iron intake, then my B12 intake, and finally by adding potassium to my vitamin regime.  Lastly when I waas training for a faster 10K and increasing my distance for a half marathon, at the suggestion on a Runners World article, I tried adding garlic supplement for endurance and it made a noticeable improvement (1 helped (99 mg), so of course I tried taking 2,...that made me nauseous and gave me the bends about 3 hrs later).

So, my input is exactly what Cassie advised plus maybe experiment some with some vitamin and supplements.  It worked for me without a lot of added carbs. 
I also use the Nature Valley Honey & Oat granola bars as my carb and fiber source (24 bars (12 2 pks) for $4.24 at Walmart in VA). For whatever thats worth.

Stay beautiful blondie! 
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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