Wednesday workouts ...

on 1/28/09 3:43 am - Salem, OR
Hey all you exercise maniacs!  Let's hear what you've done (or plan to do) today!

I went to the gym and did my weight lifting class and then kick boxing class.  It's nice to have it all over and done with for today!

Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 1/28/09 4:44 am - NC
I'm either going to go to the gym before dinner and do a kickboxing class or do a WATP dvd. It depends on what time dh get home for the kiddos
Elisa K.
on 1/28/09 8:23 am - Lumberton, NJ
The weather is a mess here  in NJ, so I had to suck it up. and run on the dreadmill at the gym.  Luckily, I only needed to run 3 miles.  I really do hate running on the treadmill - but I am glad that I have the option of getting my runs done when the weather is crappy.

Hopefully, all this wintery mix stuff will be gone tomorrow, and I can run outside!!
Cassie W.
on 1/28/09 8:23 am
Today was a 4-mile run on the threadmill, including 3 miles at 6 mph (10:00).  I followed up with the Runners' World ab workout and dedicated some time to thoroughly stretch.  It sure does feel good to be running regularly again.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Vicki PNW
on 1/28/09 10:12 am
1 hour Yoga class, using chairs instead of mats.
3 rounds of circuit training, working with weight-resistant machines.
15 minutes on treadmill, averaging 3.0 mph with 5.0 incline.  Plus, 3 minutes cool-down.
15 minutes on stationary recumbent bike.  Plus, 3 minutes cool-down.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 1/28/09 10:51 am - Northern, CA
47 min on treadmill. I'm on week 8 of Couch-to-5K so ran 28 min. total, walked 5 and then ran a bit more so I could get the whole 5k in.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 1/28/09 11:14 am - Fort Worth, TX
Pretty light day, still not feeling well. 3.1 mile run on dreadmill in 27:53.. then climber 40 flights of stairs. Nothing major, just trying to stay lose and feel better. Hope everyone else is well....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/28/09 11:41 am - Benton, AR
I did 45 minutes of cardio (stationary bike and elliptical) followed by a 20 minute circuit workout.
I had to lay out of any exercise for a few weeks while battling an infection following gallbladder removal. I feel like I just started over. Ugh.
Linn D.
on 1/28/09 1:34 pm - Missoula, MT
With school starting again this week, it's been hard to get up early and get my workouts in, but I did manage a little run before work this afternoon.  Still doesn't feel real good this week, but gotta keep going...

12 min at 6.7
3 repeats of 5 min at 7.0, 2 min at 6.7 (except after the 3rd, I did my cool down walk so I could get to work).
total run time: 31 min; total run miles: 3.54

Brian W.
on 1/28/09 3:37 pm - Belmont, CA
7 mile Fartlek run in 1:14 and change.  Kinda slow, but I did 6 30 second speed intervals.  Guess I gotta get used to the pacing.

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