My first marathon (Disney World)...

Rob S.
on 1/14/09 8:32 pm - DE
Nah, but my wife is never going to let me live that one down.  Thanks.
on 1/14/09 9:47 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Rob,

     Good job my friend! What a great story and a great accomplishment! One question.... Did you snap any pictures of your butt !!! That would be one for the ages, almost as good as you dancing on stage in Africa! Congrats on retaining the toenails.... However, I hear marathoners get a discount on pedicures (Who in their right mind could charge for 10 nails if you only have 7?) Anyways buddy, congrats, what a great accomplishment.

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/14/09 10:29 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Great read Rob!  Welcome to the club man.  


Rob S.
on 1/14/09 8:34 pm - DE
It's taken me a while, but it sure does feel good to be part of the club.  I assume you are not talking about the one-sock club, right?  Obviously I've started my own butt camera club.  Pretty exclusive, huh.  Good luck with your training.
on 1/14/09 9:37 pm - Hollywood, FL
Hello there Marathoner ROB!!!!
I was there too, but for the 5K. And seeing all YOU ATHLETES there preparing for the 1/2 & Full Marathons was so inspirational and motivating for myself & my husband!! So much so, we will be doing our FIRST 1/2 in Disney next year!!!!

I love what you wrote, someone who may be struggling in their  journey or who currently do not exercise may find motivation in your story!!!

Hey, send us a link to your photos from ASI. That would be great too!


Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

Rob S.
on 1/15/09 9:12 pm - DE
Sorry we didn't connect at Disney.   Disney Marathon weekend is definitely a lot of fun.  Congratulations on doing the 5k.  That is a feat in itself.  I am proud of anyone who takes on the challenge of running.  Good luck on the half marathon in 2010.  Pictures should be posting soon.
on 1/14/09 10:52 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Great Job Rob.  You are a standard of excellence I can only hope to emulate.  Thanks for posting your experience and being so tenacious at accomplishing your goals.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Rob S.
on 1/15/09 9:13 pm - DE
Thanks Joe.  Hope that your body starts recovering this year.
Linn D.
on 1/15/09 6:09 am - Missoula, MT

There sure are a lot of things that go through your mind and body with the first of anything, let alone a marathon!

You did a great job, and thanks so much for sharing your experience.  I'm here in AZ awaiting my 2nd, and am feeling a little out of sorts on and off.  Not sure what this one is going to bring, either.

Have a safe recovery, and we'll hear from you soon.

Rob S.
on 1/15/09 9:16 pm - DE
Based on the way you train I anticipate that you will have no problem with your 2nd marathon.  Although I can't imagine what the heat would be like in AZ. 
I finally understand what they mean when they say 80% mental.  Luckily at Disney there is so much to keep you occupied you never really get the chance to get down on yourself (except running past the sewer treatment plant). 
Good luck and good running.
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