I joined a GYM
I've been thinking about it since having surgery this past summer and yesterday I did it. Officially did it. I've been really good about walking at least 30 minutes a day since last August but I knew I had to do more. So over the Christmas holidays I took advantage of a few specials that the gym was having and tried it out. I'm amazed to say that even thouh it was rough the first couple of times - I missed it when I didn't go.
I've enjoyed reading the posts on this site and look forward to participating in more of them. Thanks for always keeping me motivated.
- Iris
I've enjoyed reading the posts on this site and look forward to participating in more of them. Thanks for always keeping me motivated.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Congratulations on taking that step. For me walking into the gym for the first time was a big step for me. My advice to you would be to take advantage of any classes your gym may offer & make a network of supportive friends there. Set your schedule & stick to it, be accountable for working out. You will thank yourself for it afterwards, it's so worth it. Hope to see you posting more often.
Ditto Jon and Vicki.
I actually work in a gym, and love to see people get over their fears and start in. I don't have any reason to get up early today since school is out for the semester and I don't wor****il 5 tonight, but I'll be going to my normal early morning spin class today. These ladies that I take spin classes with are a social network, and I just enjoy their company as I get a great workout!
I actually work in a gym, and love to see people get over their fears and start in. I don't have any reason to get up early today since school is out for the semester and I don't wor****il 5 tonight, but I'll be going to my normal early morning spin class today. These ladies that I take spin classes with are a social network, and I just enjoy their company as I get a great workout!