Tuesday's workout!

Scott William
on 12/30/08 12:49 am
I did 8 miles on the TM this morning.  Wanted to do 13 but.....blah, blah, blah!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 12/30/08 2:28 am - Missoula, MT

I had another great spin class today!  50 minutes of good, hard spinning. 

victoria R.
on 12/30/08 2:42 am - goose creek, SC
So far I've done a 2.5 mile run followed by 1 mile recovery walk outside.  Inside I did some stability ball excercises targeting my oh so squishy midsection then I topped it all off with a brisk walk on an incline on the tm for 30 minutes.  I would like to do a spinning class at 5:30 but we'll see.  I'm still sick with headcold/sore throat thing.  I really need to get my 7 mile run in this week and I have a 5k race on Saturday.


~ Lexipro ~
on 12/30/08 2:45 am - SC
Man, I want to post on these threads but you Iron Men (women) and marathoners are intimidating!

This morning was upper body. I FINALLY bumped up weight on my shoulder workouts so yaaaaay for progress. Tonight is cardio kickboxing. We keep having a 'substitute' running the class though and he seems to only know 3 exercises - jumping jacks, 27 sit up/crunch variations and 27 push up variations. The kickboxing part is still good, but when he tells us to do 100 JJ's, I wanna kickbox HIM.

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


on 12/30/08 3:42 am - MI
Intimidating? Looking at your profile, you seem to be a mad woman when it comes to exercising. Many of us arent worthy...

Great job. I will report later on what I get accomplsihed this evening after work.

My Spinerval DVD workout last night really kicked my butt. I felt great before, during and after the workout. However last night I had difficulty sleeping because my legs we so sore. It was almost like all that Lactid Acid was worked up, and screaming at me.

Have a great day everyone
~ Lexipro ~
on 12/30/08 5:24 am - SC
Mostly I am jealous - I started out tryin to run but I'm just not built for it, even 100+ pounds lighter I run like a 3 legged buffalo LOL

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


Linn D.
on 12/30/08 6:58 am - Missoula, MT
Just as a matter of opinion about running, I think that those of us who run later in life DECIDE that's what we want to do.  None of us looks or feels good running at first.  Most everyone starts out slow.  Those who continue, do it for a couple different reasons.  First, it's about the best cardio and calorie burning activity there is.  Secondly, once you get to the point you can go about 3 or so miles and it gets easier, it is such a meditative activity.

I started running to do triathlons.  Three years later I finally did some.  Once I got to where I could run, it was really enjoyable to me.  I miss it when I can't.

The ONE thing that keeps me doing it is the feeling that I had yesterday when I finished my hour.  It felt soooo good.  Don't get me wrong, there are days that it completely sucks also, but when you have that first really great run, you just can't give that up.

That's my take.

on 12/30/08 7:37 am - MI
It doesnt matter what you look like. Its all about getting from point "A" to Point "B", and having fun doing it.

If you get a chance to see Hillary Biscay run, you wont worry about how you look. Hillary is a professional triathlete, and one of my favorites. Her running style is anything but good looking.

~ Lexipro ~
on 12/30/08 12:58 pm - SC
its not a LOOKS thing - its a mechanical thing. Its hard to explain, but its probably the same reason I cant use an elliptical - its easier on other people, even those with arthritis, etc - but painful for me... running isn't painful but takes twice as much work for me because of my form..

I'm not that vain LOL

A running coach may be a help for me (unless im just that uncoordinated) but I can't afford one at the moment so, for now, my running is limited to intervals on the TM :)

Lexi -  Size 6-8 and holding.


on 12/30/08 9:35 pm - MI
Before you spend the money on a running coach, go to your local library and get a running book, and take their pointers on running. They even have books written especially for women.

And then just start off running, and eventually you will look like a pro.
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