Recovery after long run

on 12/21/08 8:41 am - Barboursville, WV
I did my long run yesterday, 18.5 miles and afterwards my legs were toast. I walk for a half a mile  then stretch for 10 or 15 minutes and drink a small 8 oz. lowfat chocolate milk. At my car I take off some of my wet clothes and put on some sweats to warm up.

Within a hour or two I do the ice bath. Yesterday I dreaded the ice bath and put it off but finally decided to do it. I still had my compression socks on and as soon as I took them off my calves started to hurt, not cramp but burn. I set down in the bath tub and start the cold water. One thing about winter because of the ground temperature the cold water is even colder and yesterday it was really cold. I finally got the water over my legs and dumped in the ice. OMG !!!!!! I am so glad my wife didn't walk in while I was sitting there. I had a bath towel draped over my head and around my shoulders reading a magazine and watching the clock. I stay in 20 minutes and then take a quick shower, dry off and put the compression socks back on.

Today I feel surprisingly good. I highly recomend the compression socks and ice bath. Just wanted to pass along what seems to be working for me.

pan head
Cassie W.
on 12/21/08 11:09 am
I'm another one that believes in the icebaths.  I wear a sweatshirt on top and sip on hot tea to make it bearable.   I can only stand about 10 minutes before I have to escape, though.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 12/21/08 1:49 pm - Missoula, MT
I've heard about it, but I've never been able to bring myself to do it.  I SOOOOOO hate being cold that I can't imagine doing it on purpose!

I do, however, eat a 4:1 carb:protein cliff bar right after and a meal about an hour after that - especially after the long ones.  That really helps me as well.

I haven't figured it out yet, but I almost never have trouble with my calves.  I'll just knock on wood...


Scott William
on 12/21/08 10:11 pm
What I have done is to actually get in the tub before I even start running the water.  I start luke warm and then go with cold.  I didn't have any shock by doing it that way.  By the time the water was over my legs it was cold.  Then I had my support crew start dumping ice in by the garbage bag full.  They had a blas****ching me literally freeze my nuts off.  As with Cassie, 10 minutes after the ice was all I could handle but I tell you that the results made it extremely worth it.  It got me through last years goofy and I hope it does again this year.

Ice baths rule!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/24/08 1:20 am - Baton Rouge, LA

I stumbled upon a product at Whole Foods called GT's Kombucha tea.   It promotes recovery among other things.   I've been using it for the past month and I've been really pleased with the results.   I did a 3.5 hour ride on Sunday followed by a run and usually that brick would leave me wobbling around Monday morning trying to find my legs.   I drank my tea shortly after my workout as a recovery drink and I was good to go on Sunday and on Monday when I went out to train.    It's got a weird taste, almost vinegary, but after I drank a few of them I got used to the taste and now I sorta crave them. 

May be snake-oil mojo but if it keeps me limber and my mind thinks it helps I guess that's all that matters. :)


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