The last of the big training runs...

Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:34 am - DE
Yeah, I still look at running the marathon as one of those miracles that you hear about in life.  I rank it up there with Moses parting the seas, the American hockey team beating the Russians, and yeah, me running a marathon. 

Luckily I have all of the exploits of all of you to keep me grounded on this board.  Everyone, especiall yyou iron"men" and marathoners have just  done great things.  All things I never envisioned any of us being to accomplish prior to our surgeries.

Funny you should ask what I had after my run.  I have been doing  low-fat chocolate milk after each run.  I actually went out the night before and got some so I could drink it as soon as I was in the car.  I do feel better today (not well enough to run). 

Thanks for your support.
on 12/20/08 11:41 pm - Barboursville, WV
Sounds like your right where you want to be. One thing that caught my attention, you said you have easy 10 and 12 milers before the marathon. I now look and 10 and 12 milers as fairly easy runs, something I wouldnt have dreamed of 2 years ago. I bet you thought the same thing 5 years ago. You are doing great!

pan head
Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:44 am - DE
Actually five years ago  I had no thoughts of ever running.  But my wife even said today it's funny how my perspective on a 10-mile run has changed this year.  I would certainly like to run them faster, but to be honest, I'm just happy that I can run the distance without breaks.  Keep plugging away and thanks for your support.
Scott William
on 12/21/08 6:57 am
Way to go man.  I know that you are still a bit apprehensive because, you are thinking, that 20 miles killed me and I still have to go 6 more miles but trust me, it's not a problem. 

I do want to tell you to gear up for miles 12 to 15 and 18 to 22.  Those sections are tough.  They are boring and it's typically starting to really get hot.  I just tell you because I think it will help to mentally prepare to bust through those tough spots.  You are more than ready to conquor this thing.  You will be a marathon finisher and I hope I can be around to see you.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/22/08 12:41 am - Port Huron, MI
My 20 mile run sounded a lot like yours.  Around mile 18 I was shoot, well don't worry you've got this marathon in the bag.  You've trained really well and you'll find the adrenaline from being at the event will carry you more than you think.  
Can't wait to hearing your report from doing the race.  Good luck!
on 12/22/08 1:07 am - Long Island, NY

I am so excited for you! You have tremendous determination. I certainly wasn't running outside this past weekend. I can't wait to hear about your experience at Disney.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Rob S.
on 12/22/08 3:53 am - DE
You set the gold standard for us with your first NYC marathon.  That run continues to inspire me.
Thanks for your support.
Kevin A.
on 12/22/08 1:30 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Great run!! You guys are tough running in such cold weather!! If it get below 60 degrees I don't want to be outside!!It almost makes me miss those long training runs.. Almost!!

Enjoy your last few training runs!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
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