The last of the big training runs...

Rob S.
on 12/20/08 8:29 pm - DE
Well yesterday I got up early and got ready to run the last big training run in preparing for the marathon.  It was really cold, and 20-miles sounded like a daunting task.  I was actually hoping that my running partner would call and postpone due to the weather.  But it was not to be, because we had to run on Saturday between the storms or miss our window.
I got to our strarting point parking lot at about 6:45am.  I got out of the car and did some stretching and guaged the weather.  It was below freezing, but there was very little wind, so it was bearable.  I plugged down some 5-hour energy, loaded my SportBeans and water into my hydration belt and waited for Susan to show up.   Right at 7am she drives up, smiling, and all happy.  She got out of the car and we started out on the run.
The first mile was basically adapting to the weather conditions.  The tips of my fingers always get extremely cold, so I needed to put that out of my mind.  Staying on the roads to avoid any ice patches, we ran across the Brandywine River, into the old section of Wilmington, and then down into center Wilmington.  From there we ran along the Brandywine River and crossed over a pedestrian footbridge.  I always hate the bridge because it is wooden and difficult to run on.  After crossing over, we headed up a 1/2 mile incline back into old Wilmington.  At the top we had completed 5 miles, and we slowed our jog down just a bit to catch our breaths.  Then after a full 30-seconds we got back on pace and headed out to scenic Greenville.  At the end of 8 miles we took our first hydration and sport bean break, although we kept walking.  We headed out Kennet Pike to our turnaround at 12 miles.  Mile 5-12 is uphill all the way.  The weather was cooperating, a little cold, but very little wind.  At mile 13 we got off of Kennet Pike and headed out through Montchanin, a ery ritzy neighborhood.  The next three miles we stayed on pace although I noticed I was falling about a step behind Susan, and my nose was turning into a faucet again.
At mile 16 we were  back into old Wilmington and running flat roads.  Mile 17 I suggested that we head back into center city so that I could get the 20 miles done.  Little did I know that there was a big 1-mile incline to conquer before we got there.  At mile 18 (my previous long), my knees and ankles were starting to throb, but we were finally headed back to the starting point.  I completed mile 19 without too much effort.  Then I guess I hit a wall. I was having trouble just keeping pace.  My legs were lke togs.  Susan spent the whole last mile, being my cheerleader.  Egging me on, goading me to keep up with her.  I felt like crap, but when I spotted the parking lot, I felt much better and actually sprinted the last quarter mile.   We finished the 20-miles in 3'52 minutes.  I was sore and beat up, and feel even worse this morning.   But at least the big traiing runs are done.  Now we have an easy 12-miler next Saturday, and then 10 the weekend before the marathon.  A really hard run, but other than the last two miles, I really enjoyed it.  Maybe this Disney marathon is a possibility now.
victoria R.
on 12/20/08 8:43 pm - goose creek, SC
Great job on the 20 miler.  I always enjoy your run reports.  You're going to do great at Disney, wish I could be there to cheer you on.  I hope you're planning on some rest today.


Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:36 am - DE
Yeah a definite rest day.  Luckily the weather is even worse today, lots of icy rain, so that will keep me inside.  Look forward to you joining up in the future.
Cassie W.
on 12/20/08 9:18 pm

Congratulations on conquering that 20-miler! You are definitely ready for Disney!  Now, you just have to practice going to bed early.    The Disney buses to the start generally run from about 3:30 to 4:30 a.m.  Once we get to the initial staging area, there'll be music to help us pass the time until they start moving us toward the corrals.  Then some more waiting before the starting gun fires.

The staging area is in a parking lot, so bring an old towel to sit on that you can leave at the starting line.

Enjoy your taper!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:40 am - DE

Going to bed early is not a real problem for this old guy.  I love to hit the sack by 8:30-9:00p, so my biggest problem will be getting in a breakfast in the morning.  Thanks for the inisght on the towel, I would have never thought of that. 
Hope to catch up with you down there.

Linn D.
on 12/20/08 9:32 pm - Missoula, MT
Great job getting that last long run in!  My last opportunity is next weekend.  Longest this season so far is only 16, so I'm hoping my body cooperates with me. 

Taper well and have a great race!

Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:42 am - DE
Just 16, but you run real fast.   I plan on just doing some spin classes and my two short runs over the next two weeks.  Good luck on your next long one.
Elisa K.
on 12/20/08 10:17 pm - Lumberton, NJ
That's awesome Rob - thanks for sharing!  Rest those legs today!!
Rob S.
on 12/21/08 5:47 am - DE

Good advice.  It will be a tough two weeks.  I'm a very impatent person.  Thanks for your support.

on 12/20/08 10:25 pm - Dacula, GA

What did you eat immediately after your run? You need to eat a 4:1 carb protein ratio w/in 30 minutes of finishing. My nut. has me doing Low Fat choco milk. Anyhoo-you'll feel better.

And what's this talk of the disney marathon MAY BE A POSSIBILITY?

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