Fueling during marathon training?
Thanks for starting this thread, Lola!! I am going to start adding mileage next week, and I am seriously considering the Phila. Marathon in November. I am worried about fueling. My longest run now is 6 miles, in about 1 hour, so fueling hasn't been an issue for me. In the summer I ran with a fuel belt, and used electrolyte mix that was very low in sugars, but I know that I will need more than that when I start adding mileage. I guess it is just trial and error.
Here's my $.02 on this. I use G2 during my training runs. I've tried to stash 2 bottles at the 10 mile mark so I had fresh to grab. I used the Powerade gels during my training and marathon. One thing I was told was for many of us intake of sugars during exercise won't affect us the same as it might during 'down' time. During the marathon I alternated between the gels & sport beans.
Good luck!
Good luck!
What works for me is Powerade gels. They are more like pudding to me and the vanilla is really good. I use regular Gatorade. I read Runners World Magazine and it says that you need the carbs, translate sugar, to help carry the potassium and sodium into your system to get the benefit from sport drinks. Also you want to keep hydrated but you can over do it and it is dangerous to do so. Also when you are running your body tends to send blood to the where it is needed most, the legs. If you eat something heavy, it is not going to digest the same if you weren't running.
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