2 years Saturday

on 12/14/08 3:47 pm - Barboursville, WV
Today or I guess yesterday, was 2 years since surgery. So what did I do? I ran a 5K Yesterday afternoon. Didn't do to bad ran it in 24:26, still didn't get under 24 minutes but gives me something to shoot for next time. Probably didn't help my self by running 5 miles Saturday. It was a pretty day so I just had to go for a run after work. Plus I should have done my long run and knew I wasn't going to because of the 5k. Before the race I had to take my grandson home, he had a basketball game today. 1 1/2 hour to take him home and about the same to get to where the race was.

Any way, it's amazing how far I have came in two years or even on the last year. After the 5K I came home and worked around the house for a couple of hours, and went to the gym and hit the treadmill and ran another 4 miles. Prior to surgery I would dread going shopping with my wife because I knew I would have a hard time walking. My knees would get so sore and stiff I could hardly bend them to get in and out of the car.

My highest weight was 375, first visit with the surgeon I was 360, day of surgery 324 and today 166. MY orginal goal was under 200 and I got there with in the first year. About then is when I started runnng and kept loosing weight. My lowest weight was 156 but my body seems to want to stay around 165.  

Would I do it again? In a heart beat. What have I learned in the past two years? It is not the easy way out. I was told I would have to make permanent life style changes and at the time didn't really understand what that meant. One of the best things I had to do was the 6 month pre-cert diet for my insurance. It help me get in the right frame of mind for after the surgery. After surgery I made every thing black or white, either something was on the list of foods I could eat or it wasn't. I think that is why I was so successful. The second year has been much harder in that as I added food and found out that I can eat lots of foods I wish I couldn't. I find myself trying to go back to old habits and I have to catch myself and get back on the straight and narrow so to speak. Long story short there are no free rides in life and WLS is the same.

At 50, I am healthier and busier than I have ever been in my life. But that's a good thing.

pan head
Elisa K.
on 12/14/08 8:50 pm - Lumberton, NJ
What a great way to celebrate your anniversary!!  Congratulations on your success!!
Cassie W.
on 12/15/08 7:37 am
Congratulations on your anniversary.  The lessons you learned in year 2 are certainly the ones that will keep you healthy for years to come.  You've made the most of the reset button!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 12/15/08 11:29 pm - Missoula, MT
Pan head,

Yours really is a great success story.  It's funny how the longer out we are, the more important the little things become.  It's no longer about surgery or the small amounts we can eat, or even the weight loss.  The focus becomes squarely on what we want the rest of our lives to be and what it takes to do it.  Maintenance is WAY harder than weight loss.  It's a balancing act, and you've done fabulously!

Here's to your continued success with maintenance and a much more active way of life.  Sounds like you are totally happy with how things are and are committed to keeping it that way.

Congrats and kudos!

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