Dallas "Run The Rock" Marathon Race Report....

on 12/14/08 8:19 am - Fort Worth, TX
I will preface my report with a deepend respect for all  those who have completed a marathon. With that, here's how it went....



Dan Benintendi


















So the race started off right on time. Today was record winds, 15-20 MPH with gusts up to 40mph, and that is no joke, I am 210 pounds and I was getting pushed around the road by the lake! I was running my game plan perfectly for the first 18 miles, between 9 and 10 minute miles the whole way. at mile 19, mother nature called so I had to stop and go, no big deal, until I head back out and start to try to run again! My left calf and right hamstring COMPLETELY locked up on me. I would spend the remaining 7 mile*****hing my calf to try to get it loose, coupled with many stretch stops! I actually had never heard of this thing called "Hitting The Wall", when your glycogen stores are all used up, until I got home from the race and watched the TVO'd version of it where they explained it. Appearently I hit this point right at the same time I stopped for mother nature. I would finish out the race walking .2 miles then run the remainder of that mile. Some miles walking a little bit more, others not so much. It was a struggle the last 7 miles, but I hung in there. I really wanted to break the 4:30:00 mark, but I will settle with 4:54:13. At mile 13 I was at 2:07:59, perfect pace, but the wheels came off at the end, so it's all good. Overall in the clydesdale / Athena division I finished 96 overall and 88th in Clydes out of 200 in Clydes and 400 overall. All-in-all, I am just thankful I finished. I am registered for the Fort Worth Cowtown 26.2 mile marathon in Feb 09 and will look to prepare for The Wall with a better Carb load the night before. Overall, I feel ok, my knees are a little sore, but I feel pretty good considering I just ran what I would still consider a Long commute in a car!

My nutrition plan worked very well during the race, but appearently I could have done a better job last night topping off my stores of glycogen. I will not make that mistake again! I got a sweet finishers shirt and a nice medal to boot. Now, I am trying to get packed as we are driving from Fort Worth to Southern California tomorrow. I am looking forward to recovery, and am even looking more forward to getting some open water swim practice in the Pacific ocean over the next few weeks.

So there you have it... Today is my exact 11 Month Surgiversary of my RNY. 11 months from 400 pounds to 210 and a FULL marathon under my belt. Who would have thought....

Oh yeah.... I did not cry when I crossed the finished line. However, I balled when my wife came running towards me through the crowd after I had finished with the 2 kids in tow and gave me a giant bear hug! I love that woman and my family. This day was for them.

Thank you all for your friendships, support, encouragment, and helpful tips on all things endurance sports! I cherish my Excercise & Fitness Board pals..


Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Rob S.
on 12/14/08 8:34 am - DE
Way to go, Dan!  You are one of the elite.  Way fast too.  You should have a lot of pride in your accomplishment.   I'm certainly proud of you success.  Take time to recover.
victoria R.
on 12/14/08 9:12 am - goose creek, SC
Great job Dan!  Enjoy your recovery.


on 12/14/08 9:21 am - Port Huron, MI
 Congrats Dan!!!!
I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling after finishing my marathon!!!  I feel fortunate that I never encountered any of "the wall" that you faced during the run -- had it during training though!!!  I like your time:) (mine was 4:58) 
You'll break that 4:30 mark on the next run.  Personally I think I took too much time off after the marathon but it was both fear that I'd injury something and lack of a next goal as I await my TT.  Have fun with the swimming, I'm looking forward to getting back at everything as soon as possible (hopefully in 6 weeks!)
Linn D.
on 12/14/08 9:58 am - Missoula, MT
Great job, Dan!

It's funny.  You never know what the day will bring until it brings it.  My first was half an hour slower than yours - with 7 potty stops.  The body will only let you do so much on any given day.  You still did great, and anything around 5 hours is considered very respectable.

Have a great vacation!

on 12/14/08 10:16 am - Long Island, NY

Congrats, quite an accomplishment 11 months after your surgery. Enjoy your vacation, it is well deserved.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 12/14/08 1:42 pm - Los Angeles, CA

You did a great job!  Be proud of your accomplishments.  I loved reading your race report.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 12/14/08 1:54 pm - Barboursville, WV

pan head
Elisa K.
on 12/14/08 8:47 pm - Lumberton, NJ
Congratulations Dan!!  You should be so proud!!  Rest up, and enjoy your vacation.  I can't wait to read about your next race!!
on 12/14/08 9:05 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Congrats Dan and welcome to the marathoners club.


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