need running advice

on 12/12/08 9:22 am - Baltimore, MD
Hi Everyone. Let me give you a little background. Last Spring, I started a running program weighing close to 300 lbs. I struggled, got frustrated, and quit the group training program. I've always wanted to be a runner. Now, I'm 2 1/2 months post op and down 50 lbs. I want to try to start running again. To all of you who are post op runners, at what point did you incorporate running into your fitness program? What were some of the challenges you faced? 

TIA for any advice offered.

on 12/12/08 10:47 am - Port Huron, MI
Congrats on the weight loss!!  Time line for me:  RNY on 8-13-07, first time running early December 07.  I NEVER wanted to be a runner before!!!  I had been walking 5 miles and decided that just increasing the distance of the walk wasn't going to help me anymore, I needed to change the intensity.  The first challenge:  running 1/2 of a lap on the track at school, lol.  I think the biggest thing to realize is that depending on what you're  currently doing it's going to take some time for the body to get used to running.  I still remember the first time I ran 1/2 of my street, the first full mile without walking, and the first time I made my 5 mile loop without walking.  It took a while to get there (a couple of months at least).  
Good luck on it, it'd definitely addictive!
on 12/14/08 10:30 am - Long Island, NY

Like Sax I started incorporating running when I felt like I needed more of a challenge. I started with very short intervals (maybe 30 seconds) about 5 months after my surgery when I was down to about 240 pounds. One of my challenges was that I had heel spurs good running shoes (I got fitted at a running store) and orthotics helped with those. I recommend following some type of interval training such as the couch to 5k program or the one on


5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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