Marathoners.. Runners... need advice
Hey Ya'll...
Well I am a runner now thanks to my RNY :) YAY...
I got inspired to run with Team in Training to raise money for Blood Cancers.. (THIS IS NOT A PITCH FOR FUNDS)...
We had our 20 miler last weekend, and I can't seem to get my energy back... I've tried more sleep, less running to allow for recovery, more water, more protein...
Nothing seems to be increasing ...
Ideas, thoughts? (Other than I'm crazy!)
Well I am a runner now thanks to my RNY :) YAY...
I got inspired to run with Team in Training to raise money for Blood Cancers.. (THIS IS NOT A PITCH FOR FUNDS)...
We had our 20 miler last weekend, and I can't seem to get my energy back... I've tried more sleep, less running to allow for recovery, more water, more protein...
Nothing seems to be increasing ...
Ideas, thoughts? (Other than I'm crazy!)
The one thing that sticks out to me is that you might also have low iron or hemoglobin. As you probably know, running lots of miles makes you prone to anemia caused by hemolysis of red blood cells from the pound in your feet. You may not have noticed it as much with the shorter runs. I say that because it reminds me how I felt last time I gave blood. It took about 2 weeks before I felt 'normal.'
The other thing to think about is recovery eating. Try to make sure you eat something high in carbs right after a workout for glycogen resoration.
By the way, 20 miles is VERY significant and takes a lot out of a body. It may just take another week before you feel up to par. I'm assming your run this weekend is significantly shorter, so just take it slow and see how it goes.
The other thing to think about is recovery eating. Try to make sure you eat something high in carbs right after a workout for glycogen resoration.
By the way, 20 miles is VERY significant and takes a lot out of a body. It may just take another week before you feel up to par. I'm assming your run this weekend is significantly shorter, so just take it slow and see how it goes.
Although I've not done the 20-mile long run yet (Sunday is 18, followed by 20 on the 20th), you need to make sure you are getting adequate doses of vitamins. Runners drain iron, and B's are also usually deplenished. I supplement my regular multivitamin with a B complex and iron. I've also been trying out the 5-hour energy shots and they seem to keep me purring and seem to help my recovery after my long runs.
Everyone is different and it also depends on where you are on your journey. Good luck.
Everyone is different and it also depends on where you are on your journey. Good luck.
How's your fuel intake while running? I will say that I found it infinitely easier doing the actual marathon than it was the 20 miler so don't panic.
For me the difficulty in the training runs was staying hydrated and fueled up. I'm hoping/assuming that you're able to do gatorade or G2 and are doing either gels and/or sport beans.
Linn is right on in her comments so take it easy on this 10 miler and just use it to recover.
Isn't this new sport fun!
For me the difficulty in the training runs was staying hydrated and fueled up. I'm hoping/assuming that you're able to do gatorade or G2 and are doing either gels and/or sport beans.
Linn is right on in her comments so take it easy on this 10 miler and just use it to recover.
Isn't this new sport fun!