Turkey Trot Thursday Reports & Workouts......

on 11/27/08 2:36 am - Fort Worth, TX
I think The City of Fort Worth puts on the biggest Trot in the country!!! Over 10,000 people this year....Holy Cow!

So my 5 months pregnant wife and I ran the 5k together as a warm up for me for the 10k. We finally waded through the crowd to the start line, ran the 1st mile at a real slow pace due to the obvious congestion. After about the first 1/2 mile it opened up a little and we jogged until the 2 mile marker. We walked at a pretty brisk pace for the 2nd mile, and finished up the race running. We crossed the finish in just under 38 minutes which is cool. I am so proud of my wife for taking on her first 5k being 5 months prego... She rocks!

About 10 minutes after we finished the 5K my 10K started. I have not been feeling 100% with some congestion and limited lung capacity. Anyways, I wanted to finish my first 10K in about 52 minutes. The course was a lot hillier than I had thought it would be, but it was a lot of fun, through some nice neighborhoods. I finished in 54:02 (Unofficial) according to my watch when I crossed the start and finish line. It was a mass start and there was no chip reader at the start so those who were stuck at the middle or back of the pack had to wait a few minutes to get going. Official results to post in the morning. All-in-all, I am pretty happy with my time on my first 10k! 

My son Ayden, and nephew Alex ran the 1K Gobbler Trot. They both were pretty quick and got their finishers medals... That by far will be the highlight for their 2008 Thanksgiving! It is amazing to think that my first Thanksgiving post op was spent at a running event, rather than sleeping in until 10am, eating a bunch of donuts, and harasing my wife about turkey not being ready! Wha a difference 10.5 months makes!! I love my life, love my family, and am looking forward to spending the day at home relaxing.

Let'shear how your races / workouts went.....

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll,
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Elisa K.
on 11/27/08 2:59 am - Lumberton, NJ
My husband and I ran in the Turkey Day 5K at Cooper River Park, in Pennsauken, NJ.  While we were waiting for the race to begin, the local news station interviewed me!  I was so nervous - I didn't know what to say - LOL!!  Anyway, if you live near Philly - I may be on Action News at 5pm!!   

This race had time clocks set up at the 1 and 2 mile mark - which was very cool - I am used to low budget races - LOL!  I did my first mile in 10:49 - which is way fast for me!  Second mile was 22:36 - again - very good for me!  As I approached the finish, I could see the clock ticking - 33:30, etc - I wanted so bad to get in under 34 - I turned it on, but I think I got in at 34:00 or 34:01 - I am waiting for the offical times to be posted on the website.  Anyway, that is over 1 minute faster than my last race on Nov 1st (35:17) so I am very pleased!!  

This was my hubby's first 5k - he finished in 32:58.   

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
on 11/27/08 3:10 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good Job!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Elisa K.
on 11/27/08 3:16 am - Lumberton, NJ
Right back at ya, Dan!!  I am so with you - I can't believe that I ran a race, instead of laying around in a food induced coma!  I told my husband that this is our new Thanksgiving tradition!!

on 11/27/08 3:28 am - Fort Worth, TX
That's an awesome tradition! We moved from West Chester, PA 18 months ago to Texas, and would have been frozen stiff if I ran a race in that cold!!! Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving, don't be a stranger.

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Linn D.
on 11/27/08 9:46 am - Missoula, MT
Sounds like  you all had a great time!

My gym opened for 2 hours today and a few gals taught some classes.  I went to the hour-long spin class.  It was packed (we have 25 bikes) and really fun.  I love it when they turn the music up!

on 11/27/08 10:54 am - Port Huron, MI
 Great job Dan,
Last week I had to work 14-15 hours/day so I wasn't able to run:( Then over the weekend it was about 36 and raining.  Went out yesterday (I know, not a Thanksgiving day run) and did a 5 mile loop in a park by my folks house.  My legs decided to thank me by cramping up at 3 am!!  Oh well, I've learned that I do best when I have a goal in sight, so my goal now is to do a 10-12 mile run the day before my TT -- in 2 weeks.  The 5K I was planning on doing next week I can't because of my consult for the TT,:(  Trying to set up my spring goals.  Seriously debating about doing either the Steelhead (MI) or Muskoka (Ontario, Canada) 70.3 ironmans.  That'll keep me going, lol
on 11/27/08 11:46 am - Fort Worth, TX
I am doing the Boise, ID 70.3, I think that's the furthest north that I am going. Anyways, good luck with the TT, that will be so awesome for you!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 11/27/08 2:16 pm - MI
I did the San Antonio Road Runners 4 miler this morning.  This was my first official running event.  My goal was no walking which I was able to do easier than I thought.  Funny how everybody takes off at the beginning and then you start picking them off.
on 11/27/08 10:51 pm - MN
I am not even close to all of you (((YET))), LOL...but I got up & kicked my own ass in cardio & did some weightlifting. Total workout was around 65 minutes.


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