Turkey Roll Report - Flash Frozen for Freshness!

on 11/23/08 8:30 am - League City, TX

I left Houston on Friday afternoon for a leisurely drive to Dallas. It's about 4 hours from city-to-city and then another hour or so to Denton, TX where the turkey roll was to be held.

I stopped by my old office and shared coffee with a couple of long-time friends who are former co-workers at the compay that laid me off a few years ago. Our meeting must have been destined though, as minutes before we met one of them he found out that the board had just voted out the CIO who was responsible for orchestrating projects, which led to significant losses, which led to layoffs for IT.

Anyway... moving on...

Feeling how cold it was I knew I needed some gloves for the ride on Saturday. I had forgotten how cold my ears got too, so I made 2 trips to the bike mart. Met up with the Cycling Chick Extraordinaire, Coco and WonderTwin Mama Alana and had some dinner and headed to the hotel Got my gear... I was good to go.

I knew there was a possibility it would be cold... but I had no idea it would be as cold as it was. I rode in the Frost 50 last year, and I don't think it was this cold. Let's just say that by noon it was a balmy 44 degrees, according to my car -- it was easily 30-something (I heard 34) at 9am, the ride start

Let me be clear. There is nothing fun about riding in cold weather of these temps. NOTHING.

It could have been a nice ride, but it went sh*tty only because of the weather. We cut our distance short to 23 miles; a lot of folks were too. No sense it turning something you enjoy doing into something you hate -- there's nothing to prove. It's all in fun.

On the upside, I got to see Courtney, see Corinna do her first ride and met Larry, the grumpy the Kiwanas information man. LOL

Not a whole lot of trumpeting to report, but at the least I didn't say snuggled in my comfy hotel bed. :)

Me (in pink) and Courtney:


"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

Linn D.
on 11/23/08 9:28 am - Missoula, MT
44 degrees!  That's balmy here in Montana!  I think that's the temp it was in the morning of my half marathon in JULY!

All joking aside (I know it's colder riding than running), sounds like your ride was enough fun, and there were plenty of good experiences for you though.

Way to go Donna!  You got out and did it!

on 11/23/08 9:42 pm - League City, TX
You know, I knew someone was going to say their weather is colder.. and *true that* to all you Northerners -- but we're just not used to that kind of cold here, and when it does get cold here it's not until January/February.  It was a total surprise and totally unseasonable for these parts.

But yes, riding in the cold wind is far worse than running, at least to me. Possibly because I don't run that fast!  LOL

Donna... who's thawed and ready to be baked. :)

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

Linn D.
on 11/25/08 9:13 am - Missoula, MT
You know I love you, Donna.  I wasn't trying to make light of the cold weather - I don't much like it either.  Just getting in some good old-fashioned ribbing (it's one of the things I do best)... 

on 11/23/08 12:05 pm
I'm not sure which I prefer, hot or cold.  In the cold you are just miserable and your lungs burn.  In the heat it's like your energy is just sapped right out of your body.

But you have the right idea, you are doing this for fun and that's what matters.
You still got in 23 miles and that's great.

Good effort on a miserable day.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 11/23/08 9:44 pm - League City, TX
Truly I don't mind the cold so much but that danged wind coming off the lake, coupled with wind from ridng, yuck!  I had been joking the night before about purchasing a facemask... I'm serious.  I think I"m going to. 

I intend to keep riding through the winter as long as I can.  I have the gear and that's half the battle of keeping it fun. My 2 cohorts on the ride weren't so prepared. 

April comes quick and I plan on doing the MS150 again!


"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

on 11/23/08 9:56 pm - Long Island, NY

Sounds like a great ride. I love what you said about turning something you enjoy doing into something you hate - you definitely have a great attitude.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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