Realistic Post TT return to activity

on 11/19/08 12:08 pm - Port Huron, MI
 I've got my TT scheduled for Dec 15th and ironically the thing I'm worried about most (after pain) is getting back to my activity.  If any of you have had one done how quickly were you back at different things?  I'm assuming walking will be pretty quick (maybe without the dog).  Biking will probably be second with swimming coming back into the fold last?  I'll make sure to get lots of feedback from my doc, but just wondering what you're personal experiences were.
1 1/2 ago I never would've thought that  I'd be so worried about losing my level of physical activity. 
on 11/19/08 12:26 pm - Tucker, GA
The surgeon told me NO vigorous activity for 6 weeks.  Really he didn't want me doing ANY ab stuff for 8 weeks.  Nothing in the pool for at least 8 weeks or until all incisions are completely healed. Understand that you are at a huge risk for infection.

The other thing I didn't really "get" is that it appears you are healed on the outside but there are many layers of sutures inside that you don't see and you run a major risk of pulling or popping those if you start back too soon.  That is how you can cause internal bleeding and may require at a minimum having to have a needle inserted to help drain blood or puss.  So... don't ru****  Give your body time to mend.

Honestly, the TT kicked my ass.  I didn't anticipate it taking as long to mend as it did and not being able to exercise for that long really was frustrating.  I use daily exercise as a way to burn of anxiety and stress.  So, I was getting a bit bonkers!

In terms of losing your level of physical activity, the body has "muscle memory" and you bounce back pretty quickly.

Good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery!
Mick in Atlanta, GA
Banded 6-18-07
sw 324 & 56"w / cw 214 & 38"w

on 11/19/08 9:45 pm - Long Island, NY
Mick summed it up pretty well. I understand completely when you say you are worried about losing your level of fitness, I felt the same way. It does some back much quicker than it took to get it the first time, muscle memory is a great thing. I had a lower body lift and it really shocked me how much it took out of me. That being said I was back to running, to some extent, at 6 weeks, despite a nasty infection that I developed. Best of luck with your tt - it is one of the most rewarding surgeries you can have. It is great to get that skin removed and it has improved my balance and running!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 11/20/08 7:56 am - Baton Rouge, LA

And here I was wondering why you were worrying about losing exercise strength a time trial on your bike.   Duh!  It took me a bit to realize that by TT you meant tummy tuck.  :)

6 weeks is the norm for laproscopic operations but I figure with a tummy tuck the doc may require a longer 'rest' period before you get back to strenuous activity.   Most of the time during the procedure they cut into the abdominal muscles to 'tighten' them up so that would take a considerable time to heal.  I dunno, ask your doc and see what he says.   Post the answer here because I'm really curious to what they say.

As far as your exercise level goes, don't fret.  Even if you quit exercising for 6 months you wouldn't lose more than 10-15% of your peak exercise health.   Your body has a way of 'remembering' when you get back into the swing of things and you'll be back to where you were before you know it!

Best of luck with your surgery man.   You are much braver than me to undertake that! 



Rob S.
on 11/20/08 8:48 pm - DE
If you want to heal properly after the TT you need to shut down almost completely for at six weeks (including walking).  My surgeon wanted me to spend most of the time in a "V'.  I did go stir crazy, but it was definitely worthwhile.  Most of the people that have problems seem to try and get back to activities too quickly.   I did not have to have my abs tightened so my recovery was fairly rapid.  Don't be surprised if your shut down till Feb.  Some surgeons even give a six-month window for nothing but walking, but it depends on the extent of your surgery.
on 11/21/08 9:53 pm
VSG on 02/16/07 with

As with anything, all PSs have differing instructions.  Mine said nothing for 4 weeks - he didn't even want me to walk through Target!  From 4-8 I started back walking and normal life activities and from 8 on I was free to 'climb Mt. Everest'.  No tub until week 4, no swimming pools/lake/ocean until 8 weeks+.  

I started back at 8 weeks with 1/2 workouts and (surprisingly) was back to full strength within a couple of weeks.  I, too, was VERY concerned about losing my fitness level that I had worked so hard to attain, but you've just got to do it.  I decided I could resent it and be nervous, or I could enjoy my time off.  Being the practical girl that I am, I enjoyed my exercise holiday, but got right back on it when the time came.  

BTW - I find exercise so much more enjoyable now that I've had my TT.  I'm not sure why, but I have so much more core strength, and I'm so much less self conscious in my exercise clothes.  Good luck, you will LOVE-LOVE-LOVE your tummy tuck.  Just keep up with the pain meds and you'll do great! 

At or below goal since 5/08....without mal-absorption!
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