16-mile training run...
Nice job Rob.
16 miles IS significant regardless of the conditions. That's what I was supposed to do this weekend and couldn't manage it. Ended up doing 7 one day 7 the next (don't know if you read my shoe post or not).
Glad you made your 16. It seems like that is the hardest jump to make (it was/is for me) in the training. 18 won't seem much worse.
You're doing fabulously, and I can't wait to see how it all works out!
16 miles IS significant regardless of the conditions. That's what I was supposed to do this weekend and couldn't manage it. Ended up doing 7 one day 7 the next (don't know if you read my shoe post or not).
Glad you made your 16. It seems like that is the hardest jump to make (it was/is for me) in the training. 18 won't seem much worse.
You're doing fabulously, and I can't wait to see how it all works out!