begginner training for 5K
When you get bored, you can change the run to walk ratio to 4 min walk and 6 min run or ever break it down to smaller segments. Walk for 2 minutes and run for 3. That will be the same ratio but you might find it a little easier to keep going.
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
You'll do fine. Like Scott advised just make small increases in your distance (no more than 10%) every week and you'll be at the 5K distance and beyond before you know it.
Honestly, when you toe the line of your first race the excitement alone will push you all the way to the finish line. Don't worry about it and have fun because that's what it's all about!
When I started training for my first 5k I used the couch to 5k program( and that worked wonders for me. When I was doing the training I only got to 2.5 miles, but when I did the race I ran all of the 3.1 miles in 32:40 plus being in the race is a motivatior too. I just kept telling myself to run at my own pace an not worry about anyone else, and stay with your pace not someone elses. You will do great!