Running and Tendonitis in my Knee?
So I've been running more, but now I'm experience a feeling of tendonitis, sort of behind the bottom of my knee-cap.
My first question is, is this a common running injury? Is there any kind of therapy you can do to help recover?
I've not had this kind of pain before I started running, and it really started after the 5K in the LiveStrong Challenge a few weeks ago. I tried to tough it out, but it's not getting any better, so my guess is to lay off it?
Any personal experience you runners can share would be appreciated!
Donna :)
"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong
It is a common injury, i believe some others on the board have dealt with it in the past. The best medicine seems to be rest.
I have flare up on occasion, but icing it after long runs seems to keep it away. I also use a supplement called Hyaluronic Acid, which is supposed to help with joint pain. A google search will turn up some articles on it.
It could be the patellar tendon, but I think it would hurt further down on your tibia.
When I have IT band trouble, I use ice, ibuprofen, and stretches. It also hurts less when I take longer strides than when I walk. There are a lot of good stretches on the net. Scott W has some links I'm sure he'd be happy to share with you.
I'm sorry I'm not much more help, but that's been my experience with it.
I got my shoulder grastoned yesterday. that shizzle hurts, but boy, does it fix things.
Have you ramped up your training over a SHORT period of time?
A lot of my injuries are overuse injuries. Normal in the Ironman training world.
Shoes will help, but if you are not ready for the jump in milage or frequency, you can be injured more easily.
It sounds like what I have and mine is related to the patellar tendon. I believe for me it was brought on by trying to do too much too fast. I was increasing mileage and speed at the same time. It would probably be best if you could get to a PT and get it under control before it gets worse. In the meanwhile I've found icing it helps.
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