1/2 Marathon report "long"

on 11/3/08 3:09 am, edited 11/3/08 3:22 am - Barboursville, WV
Hi guys,  

Sunday I ran my first 1/2 marathon. Got up 5:30 am took a s**t,shower and a shave. Ate a usual breakfast of a low carb yogurt with Kashi Go Lean high protein cereal, added milled flax seed and walnuts, oh and I also put a small container of applesauce in it.

It was in the mid 40's so I wore and long sleeve compression shirt under a regular cotton t-shirt and running shorts.
  Seemed like I was going in circles, I had laid most stuff out the night before but still ended up leaving later than I wanted. Good thing it was only a 12 to 15 minute drive. I made it in 10, so I had about 20 minutes to warm up and find a spot. It started 2 blocks from where I work so that's where I parked.

Walked for about 6 or 7 minutes and then started to slowly jog for a few minutes and then just before time to line up picked it up did a couple of sprints. For some reason they had all the Marathoners start about a block behind the 1/2 marathoners. Real close to a 1000 people I was told. Any way,  we started in the middle of a four lane street with 3 lanes blocked off for a couple of blocks then going down to 2 and then down to one. Everyone just fell in where ever they wanted, so it took several blocks to sort things out and it wasn't very long the fastest marathoners were working there way around us. 

I started out just creeping and then finally got into about a 8:30 minute pace. I had to keep track of my pace because I kept wanting to run faster. I would catch myself running at a 8:00 minute pace and tell my self to slow down. I was afraid that the long sleeve compression shirt would get to hot and it did, should have worn a short sleeve one. I also was wearing some gloves because my hands get cold so easy, at about the 5 mile mark I shed the gloves, could have done with out them altogether. I have read to dress as though you are running at a temperature 10 to 15 degrees warm than what the temp really is. Other than being a little hot and my ribs still hurting from falling down during last weeks long run everything else was good.

We had one incident where this guy in a pick up truck got tired of waiting for a chance to get through the runners and just pulled out in front of us. We all came to a screeching halt. Needless to say heated words and gestures were exchanged but no one was hurt and he went on. 

I carried a 8 oz bottle of sport drink with me so I wouldn't have to deal with the crowds at the tables and tried to stick with what I was doing in practice and had a couple of gels with me as well. Everything went fine till about mile 11 and I could feel a little twinge in my calf wanting to cramp, but it wasn't to the point where I need to stop and stretch or start walking, besides I was right on track to complete it at 2 hours or better. The last mile I had to slow down a little and concentrate on keeping my toes up to keep my calf muscle stretched out.

The last mile goes through Marshall University's campus. You may have seen the movie "We Are Marshall", we went through campus and into the football stadium around the field to the far end and right down the middle of the field  to the finish. As you start down the field they had a former Marshall football player who played in the NFL handing you a football to carry across the finish line if you want, for the life of me I can't remember who he is. I just waved him off I just wanted to get across the finish line with out getting a cramp and falling on my face.

It is pretty unique coming into the stadium and having the crowd cheer you on. There were lots of people on the field and some in the bleachers. Official time 2:00:56, my watch 2:00:24, either way 9:14 pace. The difference was at the start they started the timer with the starters gun, our timing chip did not start the timer for each person, it did stop it at the finish line. I am pleased with my time, I really wanted to be under the 2 hour mark but I didn't miss it by much.

This was the first time my wife came to one of my races. She seemed to be impressed. I don't know what she thought I had been doing for the last 10 months or so. It was nice to have her there and yes I told her so.   

Didn't mean to be so long winded but when I read the other accounts of races I really enjoy the ones that go into detail, only wish I was as good a writer as some of you are.

Went out for my 2 mile walk at lunch today and I wanted to run so bad it was not funny. What is wrong with me? I am only a little sore and I did run for a block or two. Today is supposed to be a rest day. May have to do a short easy run this evening. 

Next Saturday back to training for 26.2.  

pan head 
on 11/3/08 3:56 am - Cosby, TN
congrats on your finish and that was a grreat report.  I also like the reports that go into detail.  take it easy though don't overdue and hurt yourself.



on 11/3/08 11:51 am - Barboursville, WV
Thanks, Sue

I refrained and didn't run this evening. Will do an easy one tomorrow.

pan head
Kevin A.
on 11/3/08 4:06 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Great report!!! Wow!! I'm impressed with your race and time!! You won't have any problems with the 26.2!!!

Good luck!!

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 11/3/08 11:59 am - Barboursville, WV

Thanks, I was tempted to sign up for the 26.2 but I think it would have been to big a step. Hopefully I will be ready in Jan.

pan head

Linn D.
on 11/3/08 6:37 am - Missoula, MT
Nice Job, Pan Head!

You ran a great race!  Those mass starts are tough and usually pretty slow.

Thanks for sharing your race with us!  Can't wait to hear about your full in January.

on 11/3/08 12:06 pm - Barboursville, WV
Thanks, Linn

I heard one of the other runners say they have done some thing different every year for the start. If it keeps growing they are going to have to try to group runners by projected time or something.

pan head
Cassie W.
on 11/3/08 10:21 am
Congratulations!  That's a great time for your first half marathon!  It's the success of that run that's luring you back out on the road so soon.  Just be careful so you don't jeopardize your 26.2.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 11/3/08 12:12 pm - Barboursville, WV

I have been very fortunate about not getting hurt, well except for falling down last week. I don't want to do that again. My ribs are still hurting.

pan head
on 11/3/08 8:43 pm
Great half!  I love to read other's reports.  It makes me feel like I was there.  Thanks for sharing.  Good luck on the full.  Have fun!

RNY: 11/19/07


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