I need HELP!

on 10/30/08 2:32 am - MN

My weight has stayed the same for almost 6 months now. Up & down the same 5 pounds. I have tried everything to get it to budge. The past 2 weeks I have upped my cardio & weight lifting + i've been eating very healthy. If I don't see a change in the scale soon, i'm throwing it AWAY! I really want to stick with the exercise & get in the best of shape.


on 10/30/08 5:55 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Probably not what you are looking to hear but I don't remeber the last time I weighed.  I am definitiely going more by the size of the clothes I wear, how good I feel, and measurements.

If the clothes start getting tight,  I have to re-evaluate the intake and committment to exercise.

Your working out can cause you to gain weight. It an also cause you to get slimmer, tighter, harder, and have the right kind of curves/bulges in the right places, and it helps minimize (not eliminate) the amount of loose skin you end up with.

Lastly, by eating right and exercising, even though the scale may have slowed,...yo are building muscle mass and tone that requires more calories to maintain than tose that lose without execise and also lose they muscle mass.  So in the long term, you are setting yourself upi for greater, longer term success in staying thinner.  As long as yo don't let execise justify overeating or eating the wrong food becasue you are able to do so more the farther out from WLS you get (most of the time).

Keep working the plan, the plan works.  Mearsurements are more exciting at this point than the scales,...and pictures.  Before and after pictures, side by side, don't lie and will help you see what you are not feeling.   Hang in there tiger.  You still got a good 6-12 months of WLS resulting weightloss.

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 10/30/08 6:06 am - MN
You are so right! I am a slave to that stupid scale, but my size has not changed either. I have not always been perfect, this is for sure. I also have never had such a hard time getting that scale to move, even before surgery. I will hang in there! The upside is I feel great physically. Thanks for your support!


on 11/1/08 3:24 pm - louisville, OH
i to have felt your pain but the previous post i agree with except maybee u need to try a diferent excerize routine maybee your body is uesd to it and u need a change. i to am a slave to the scale but thats what keeps me in check. good luck
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