So lost I dont even know what questions to ask...

Patty H.
on 10/25/08 3:08 am - Bayonne, NJ
Revision on 01/26/12
I am a strong confidant woman....yes even chubby I am pretty confidant...EXCEPT when it comes to going to the gym....
I have had several horrible experiences at the whi*****ludes being called to lazy and fat to push myself by the personal trainer I had hired to help me after I was taken off of Physical therapy from the 10 months I spent paralyzed from my chest down from Lyme disease that mimicked MS...but that is another story...
I joined Planet Fitness  (the no judgement zone) and it took me 2 and  a half hours to actually walk in there the first time...I spent 30 mnutes walking at 2.4 and felt like I accomplished something...I came home and cried for the next 2 and a half hours because I was afraid of what people would think of my fat butt and me in there doing so little.....but it is now 6 weeks later and I am walking at 3.4 for 30 minutes and jogging for 1 min every 10 minutes....I do allof the nautalis machines...(I remembered how to use most of them and watched people do it so I wouldnt have to ask questions)  and as of last night am up to 10 minutes on the elypitical machine...  I break up my routines at this point but still come home and cry....I simply dont know what I am doing....
I have an appointment with a personal trainer on thursday for an hour so he can help me set up my routine...but I dont even know what to ask him....I dont want to sound like an idiot and I dont want to cry with him if I feel uncomfortable at any point...
I know this is something that could be easily worked out with a few sessions at a therapists office but I dont go to them
I want to know how to eat to work out but dont want to ask I eat before/after? do I try those protein drinks after working I stick to my band's diet....what happens if I miss a day or so....why havent I lost weight during the 2 weeks I have really hit the gym?  How do I even compose myself long enough to not burst out in tears while he is there working with me....

Lapband Aug 26, 2008  Revision Feb 26, 2012  Here we go again.....  
on 10/25/08 9:11 am - Sioux Falls, SD
I am sorry to hear about the awful expirences that you have had at the gym. Espeically from a trainer that should be there supporting you and giving you motivation, not putting you down.
Before I had gastric bypass surgery I would think to myself people are probably thinking I am to fat to do this or why is she even working out anyways its not like it is going to help her, she will just fall off the wagon. I had many self defeating thoughts preventing me from going to the gym. When I started with my personal trainer to lose weight for my 6 month diet, I would start telling myself  self defreating thoughts but than I said who cares what they think! I am going for me and my health  not for anyone else! So you need to go for you and no one else but you and who cares what those people think they don't have any idea who you are or what you have been through in your life.
As for the new personal trainer ask him anything you want, that is what he is there for to help you. Any good trainer would be. I think you just need to get comfortable with going to that specific gym and talking with the trainer. I go to a very large gym and I go at the same time everyday because the same people are always there so I know who I am going to see. I do get self concious some days when I feel fat, but for the most part the people at the gym are very supportive and I know I can go to them and ask them anything.
You will do absolutely great!! Just keep your head up and remind yourself why you are going. For yourself and your health.
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