Need motivation

on 10/20/08 3:52 am - Lorain, OH
Hello! I had Gastrc Bypass in 2002.  I was 181 at my lowest and now I'm back up to 197! PUSHING 200 again. Well it scares me. It's definitely a current motivator to begin working out again but I need tips on how to KEEP it up.

Any thoughts?

on 10/20/08 9:40 am - Salem, OR
Hi there!

Do you belong to a gym?  I schedule my week every Sunday evening. I literally take a sheet of paper out and write down what day and time I am going to go to the gym and what I'm going to do.  It is my schedule that I base everything else around.  If I don't go to the gym as scheduled, I usually don't end up going.  So, I always plan my workouts first.  I treat exercise as priority for my week and schedule other events around it, or I schedule exercise around events I already have planned.  But that way I know what my week will be like and I'm more apt to stick with it.

Is there something you could buy yourself as a reward to use as incentive to reach your goal again?  A little self bribery couldn't hurt!

Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

liz A.
on 10/21/08 3:49 am
this is a good idea.

I'm struggling with finding time.  I'm seeing this man who is not able to really join me in workouts & he goes to bed early cause he has to work at like 5 a.m.  so when I do see him, its too late for me to go to the gym (if i take my sleeping pill too late I wont wake up) and i'm not really a morning person....I should try to change this.

also I try to keep this seperate from walking the dog, as bruno likes to  pee on everything & slows me down.

and I dont know how to prioritize exercise in a newer relationship...



just do it, kellee, just do it.

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 10/21/08 8:29 am - Salem, OR
Hey Kellee!!!  You're seeing someone????  How cool is that?!  Congratulations!!!

Maybe you could start getting up early when he does and exercising  before you go to work?

Any more races in your future?

Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

liz A.
on 10/21/08 9:00 am

yeah, I need to try to become a morning person again, its hard though cause I have come morning hours my sleeping "aide" is in full swing.  a vicious cycle.  ugh.

nothing formal set for a race.  I'm planning on the Irish Jig in March & then the riverbank run in May, but until then its just getting back on track

thanks for asking

p.s.  relationships are hard.

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 10/21/08 10:37 pm - League City, TX

I'm with you Deanna.  If I don't schedule my week out ahead of time, making working out a pirority, I'm all off kilter!

We suffered some pretty good damage from Ike and despite my best efforts to get back into my routine, it's been a challenge.  I'm finally back, and not a moment too soon!  I've got the Livestrong 5K on Sautrday and 65 mile LiveSTRONG ride on Sunday.  I had to back down from the 90+ ride as training took a backseat while we were recovering from the hit.  Kinda bummed, but life happens.

Donna :)



"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

liz A.
on 10/21/08 9:02 am

is your work becoming health conscious?  mine has this program theyve started cause too many people are absent (ha!)

so my friends there are helping keep me accountable.

a work out buddy?

writing on the calendar what exercise you did? that helped me...looking back & thinking wow I did quite a bit!   its kind of a cool feeling.

ummmmmmmm....thats all i've got.

chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  ACK!  
                                    -liz lemon

on 10/25/08 10:26 am
you need to get serious about your eating habits and exercise program,,,,you dont want to end up where you started,,,,,need to exercise and eat right again...get back on track asap...patty
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