Saturday Workouts / Race Reports / Etc...

on 10/18/08 10:37 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Guys,

 Let's hear how ya'll did today.

   I went on a 32 mile ride this morning, and found the most brutal hilly loop around. It was so awesome we went back and did the 7 mile "MeatGrinder" a second time. My legs are sore but I had a lot of fun. Going to head to the gym in a bit and bust out a quick 2000 Meters, then I am off to working at the club tonight. Talk to you all later...

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 10/18/08 12:31 pm - Barboursville, WV
Ran 14 miles today, 2:12:26 a mile farther than last week. That extra mile was tough. My own fault though. I ran a couple of 7 minute sprints in the early going. Don't know why, just wanted to crank it up a bit. Well actually what happened was, I came up behind some guy and every time I went to pass him he would speed up. I maintained a steady speed for a while and it happened a couple of more times so I decided to try him out. Next week I will stick to the plan and run at a steady pace, I will.

pan head
Rob S.
on 10/19/08 10:16 am - DE
Ran 12.5 miles Saturday as part of my marathon training program.  It race was fairly hllly terrain, but the weather was great.  We actually ran through an official 10k race of runners for about 1/2 mile until we got off their trail.  I actually recovered fairly well afterwards, although my ankles do hurt a bit.  Next Saturday is an easy 7 mile long run.  Then it starts getting tough.
Elisa K.
on 10/19/08 1:05 am - Lumberton, NJ
I ran in the 11th Annual Harbor Seal 5K in Seaside Park, NJ on Saturday.  We ran on the boardwalk - the course was an out and back.  Out was awesome!!  There was a serious headwind on the way back.  There were a few times that I felt like I was running in place- LOL!!

I am very pleased with my performance - I finished in 35:56 - with a 11:31 pace.  My goal was to finish in under 37 minutes, and when I saw the time clock, I hauled ass so that I could get in under 36 minutes - LOL!!

I am finally seeing progress,  and that makes me happy.  That's what it is all about!!  My goal is to finish my last race of 2008, on 12/20, in 32 minutes. 
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