My first 5k was yesterday!

on 10/12/08 10:57 am - Benton, AR
I completed the Arkansas Race for the Cure yesterday.  There was a group of 6 us from work. I was worried seeing as how I have never done a 5k before. We walked instead of ran, which is what the majority of the 46,000 women did who participated this year.

It might not seem much, but hauling 340 pounds 3.1 miles ain't easy. I am very grateful that I have dropped almost 50 lbs before trying this. I am excited to keep moving. I have set a walking goal each week and hope to be jogging soon.  I love reading everyone elses expriences. You all are a great source of inspiration.
Cassie W.
on 10/12/08 11:15 am
Congratulations on your first 5K!  Incorporating fitness into your new lifestyle will keep you motivated through your weight loss journey and help you enjoy long-term success.  Celebrate those milestones!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 10/12/08 11:33 am - Missoula, MT
Great job completing your first 5k!!!

I was talking to a gal at my gym today and she knows I run and was saying the race she did was "just a 5k."  There's no such thing as "just" an anything in my book.  Anyone getting out there and doing it deserves congratulations and a fabulous pat on the back.  It IS somthing special.

I love to hear people just starting out and seeing how excited they are to complete something new or have a milestone.  Fitness and exercise are what is going to keep you healthy over the long haul, and I'm happy for you that you are starting out sooner rather than later.

Thanks for sharing this, and congratulations on your first 5k!!!

on 10/12/08 12:11 pm - Mandeville, LA
YAY!! Good job!  I just signed up for my first 5k today!  I am so excited about doing it.

Are you going to do another one?

HIGHEST 273.5 / PREOP 263.5 / CURRENT 198 / GOAL 161.5

on 10/12/08 12:47 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Great job on completing your first 5K. No matter how fast or slow you go, there is no better feeling than crossing a finish line. I think when we lived obese lives, we never really saw diets, excercise regimens, or anything through to the end. Now that we have put our best foot forward, drawn a line in the sand and had surgery, and are now excercising and completing these events, there is a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and completion that previously had never experinced. Keep up the great work and feel proud of yourself for a job well done!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 10/12/08 10:15 pm - Long Island, NY
You are wrong - it does seem like much!  Congratulation on the first 5k - I hope it is the first on many for you.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 10/13/08 1:19 pm - Benton, AR
I will do more 5ks in the future. Fall in Arkansas is beautiful. It is a nice break from 95 degree heat and 100% humidity. There are lots of 5ks going on right now. I am hoping to find another one within a few weeks.  My shins are about to kill me right now, but I did manage a stroll around the neighborhood this evening with my dog.

Any advice for shin pain or heel blisters? Prevention or treatment? I am wanting to start a couch potato to 5k program as soon as I can drop a little more weight.
Linn D.
on 10/13/08 2:50 pm - Missoula, MT
To work the shin muscles, pull your toes up in the air either with or without resistance bands (sitting position is fine).  That will strengthen the muscles and make you less likely to get shin splints.  As far as the blisters go, first start with good shoes (I got mine fitted for my foot strike and gait at a local running store) and then it just takes some trial and error figuring out what socks work best for you.

on 10/13/08 1:30 pm - Los Angeles, CA
Congrats on completing your first 5K.  The biggest step is signing up.  The second biggest is crossing the finish line.  You did both.  I understand how you feel.  As obese people we would have never thought of running anywhere.  Now look at us. 


Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 10/14/08 6:47 am - Cosby, TN
Congrats on your first 5K.  It feels so good to cross that finish line  what a high I get from that.



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