Favorite Exercise Equipment Suggestions?

Deana G.
on 10/11/08 12:23 pm - Rowland Heights, CA
Hi Everybody,

Does anyone have any suggestions for exercise equipment for cardio exercise? I have not been a fan of exercise over the years, and would like to start as soon as my doctor clears me after surgery (which will be on October 20) for Lap Band. I have scolioisis I have to be careful of in my back, and just had bunion surgery on my feet, so I need something that is non-impact if at all possible. My husband would like to get a recumbent exercycle, and my regular doctor (not surgeon) suggested an elliptical machine or a bowflex of some kind (I forgot which one he suggested). Does anyone have any experience with picking something to begin with? I'd probably try to find something used to start with. I just need to know what everyone's experience has been with exercise equipment.

Many thanks!

Deana G

Scott William
on 10/12/08 11:18 am
I like the eliptical idea.  After a few days, you get used to the thing and it's great low impact.  I don't know if you have access to a pool but swimming is great.  If money were no object, I would install a pool that has a current that you can swim against.

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Deana G.
on 10/12/08 11:28 am - Rowland Heights, CA
Do you know if ellipticals are hard on the knees? My husband tried one out at Sam's Club and said he couldn't do it because of the pain in his knees. This one had very high steps and was clumsy to operate. We are going to go try out some at a used exercise machine store. I was actually leaning toward the elliptical too because my doctor said that you get more benefit for each stroke than you do on a bike. Hmmm...

Money is an object, and of course our back yard isn't big enough for a pool. We do have an in-ground spa already that seats about six adults comfortably. Don't know if I could use that for anything.

Thanks a bunch!

Deana G

Scott William
on 10/12/08 11:37 am
Anyone that I know that wants low impact uses a bike, eliptical or swims.  I have found the eliptical to be fine after I used it for about a week.  It took that long to get used to the motion.  Maybe you could get a gym membership for a month to see what you like and don't.  You could also look into a rowing machine but I would think that would put more stress on the knees that the eliptical.

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 10/12/08 11:42 am - Missoula, MT
Is a gym membership out of the question?  The reason I mention it is you have access to all their equipment and classes and can work with what you're capable of at the time.

We've had an elliptical in our home, but I got to where I wasn't getting enough out of it and my husband couldn't keep control of it unless the resistance was high then it hurt his knees.  Gyms have a lot higher quality equipment.

You said you were going to check out the used equipment store, and that would be your best chance to get a higher quality machine for a lesser cost.

Hope you find something you like.

Deana G.
on 10/12/08 12:37 pm - Rowland Heights, CA
Thank you both for your kind suggestions! On the way home from church today I had a thought - they have a gym at work that we can use for free! While I don't want to work out and then go to work (don't like to smell sweaty), I can nevertheless check out the equipment there and maybe work out sometimes. That way, if they have decent equipment, I can check it out without going the gym membership route. I was thinking originally that if the equipment were in my home, both my husband and I would use it. I often work late hours, so a gym membership would be tougher to do on my work schedule. But I wouldn't mind trying it out for a month. We talked about that today as a possibility if the gym at work doesn't have good equipment.

Thanks so much for your help...I really appreciate it!

Deana G

on 10/14/08 9:57 am - La La Land, CA
You might want to check out Consumer Reports. They have this info online but you might have to buy an online subscription. I find that they have a lot of good info and I use them a lot before making a major purchase.

As far as exercise and the specific needs you mention, I love love love aqua jogging, but you need a pool at least 6 feet deep in which to do it. Great for people with all kinds of injuries and you really can get quite a workout without feeling like you're slamming yourself.

Ellipticals are my preferred cardio equipment at my gym, but I find that there are definite differences in the various brands. Right now the only cardio machine that I use is called the Cybex Arc Trainer. It's an elliptical but the feet move in an arc (back and forth) instead of an ellipse. I personally feel that it is a more comfortable machine than the other elliptical's I've used, but that's me. You'd really have to try it to see if you like it.
on 11/12/08 2:09 pm - Gualala, CA
I started with walking and a mini-trampoline (rebounder).  The rebounder is low impact and comes with a video that gives you a good workout.

Stamina InTONE® Jogger Rebounder Trampoline

It's $90.  Shipping's free at the following website.  I liked it so much I got one for my mom.

You can also see if there is a used exercise equipment store in your area or ebay/craig's list. 

Mostly I walk, but I'm trying to add more running to my walking and I'm using the rebounder to incorporate my running.  Much easier on the knees and ankles. :-)

Maybe go to a gym and try a bunch of different things and see what you like?  Most gyms will give you a free visit.

Good luck whatever you choose. 



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