Surgiversary=My first 5k

Kate U.
on 10/9/08 11:57 pm, edited 10/9/08 11:58 pm - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
So I was sitting around thinking about what the heck I wanted to do to celebrate my upcoming 1st surgiversary on Dec 26th. Everyone I know gave suggestions- party, cruise, weekend in South Beach, etc. Now, as much as I love all of those things, they just didn't seem right. So I started looking around at 5ks. There is one on Dec 27th- It's the Greater Fort Lauderdale Road Runners' Resolution 5k at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park and I'm entering it!!!!! Registration isn't open yet, but I've contacted them and they're going to let me know when it does.

So I told everyone that I was going to do it and welcomed them to be at the finish line that day. But they surprised me- 3 of my roller derby teammates, my assistant coach, my partner, and my mom all committted to entering it in honor of my big day.

My goal is to at least jog the entire way and finish. Don't really even care if I'm last at this point, although I heard there are alot of walkers at this one so that's good.

Also, my coach said that he'd enter some 10k distance skates with me next year and would help me train for them :) My ultimate goal, however, is to do a Sprint Tri. :) I've already been reading some books and training guides on the subject :)

It would have never dawned on me to become a jogger, a triathlete, or any of that had I not found this forum and been inspired by all of your stories, knowledge, and encouragement. Thank you all so much for sharing your lives here :)

on 10/10/08 1:04 am - Los Angeles, CA

Hi Kate,

A 5K is the perfect way to celebrate your surgiversary.  Congratulations.  Don't beat yourself up if you can't run the whole thing.  Walking part of the way is great also. 


Without struggle, there is no progress.

Scott William
on 10/10/08 4:13 am
Way to go.  Let us hear how it went.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 10/11/08 5:40 am - Missoula, MT
I thnk that's a GREAT way to celebrate your new life!  I know you were active before, but it would be my best guess that you probably feel that a lot of things are much easier on your body to do than they were before.

It's cool that some of the others in your life want to do it with you!

on 10/12/08 3:19 am - Mandeville, LA
I teared up when you said that your friends are joining the race with you.  That is so awesome!  You are very lucky to have friends like that.  I am new to this whole exercise thing too and, like you, I appreciate everyone on here for sharing their stories (including you)!

HIGHEST 273.5 / PREOP 263.5 / CURRENT 198 / GOAL 161.5

Kate U.
on 10/16/08 7:59 am - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone! It really means alot! I'll let you know how it goes! :-D
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